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Wednesday, October 29, 2008



If I were a Boy
I Like BC Jean's version better. bcjean.net

I like the rock edge on BC's vocal, reminds me of Janis Joplin's.

The edge is missing on Beyonce's vocal, which make it sounds like another pop song. A bit... flat? I guess.

If I were a boy,
Even just for a day.
Id roll out of bed in the morning and throw on want I wanted and go.
Id drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
Id make out with who ever I wanted
And never get busted for it
Because they would stick up for me

If I were a boy
Id think that Id understand
How it feels to love a girl
And I swear Id be a better man
Id listen to her
Cuz I know how it hurts
When u lose the one you wanted
Cuz his taken you for granted
And every thing you had got destroyed

If I were a boy
I could just turn off my phone
and tell her that its broken
so shell think
that I was sleeping alone
Id put myself first
and make the rules as I go
cause i know that
shell be faithful
waiting for me to come home
if I were a boy
I think that Id understand
how it feels to love a girl
I swear Id be a better man
Id listen to her
cause I know how it hurts
when you lose the one you wanted
cuz hes taken you for granted
and everything you had got destroyed!

Its a little too late for you to come back
Say Its just a mistake think that God would forgive you like that
If you thought that I would wait for you, you thought wrong

But youre just a boy
You dont understand
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish youre were a better man
You dont listen to her
You dont care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
cuz hes taken you for granted
and everything you had got destroyed
but you are just a boy



Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The weather
What is happening to the world today? I read my friend's blog and she wrote "Crisis" period.

Well to oversimplify it, yes. You know, when I first study mass communications, I thought that I will only learn how to articulate myself. But no. I learn history, law, politics, economics (..... and statistics), psychology as well.

Therefore. Damn those assignments.

I guess I've been leading lifeless life. Go home, then study. Wake up in the morning, study before school. Pretty lifeless.

And the weather has been bad lately. QQ told me that it's in my head. And my head is like a rocking tornado. And the best advice I get, that I have heard this too much I think I'm diabetic because of it, is Stop Caring So Much.

I can't just say "fine". It's only logical since I'll be going away I could just chuck everything behind. I guess my right brain is more developed than my left brain.

I'm super broke btw. Is there any wonder. And Coboh just asked me if I have gotten her 400 bucks in my UOB account.



Monday, October 20, 2008
Everything's sorted
Yeap so everything is sorted out, just have to wait for the interview date and buy a one way ticket :D

Things that I'm gonna miss: Late Night Shopping,Cityhall, Fish Ball noodle, neat transportation system, Skyline of the Singapore River, BoatQ, ClarkeQ & RobertsonQ, Starbucks Merlion, Esplanande and ultimately, East Coast and home.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Next on the list:
Nyoman Masriadi's exhibition. I've been wanting to go, but... well... Going to!

Road to Mecca

Burn after Reading


Baby Producing Machine

I'm not judging, or prejudicing. Afterall, I am a woman of the East - I am prejudiced against. I have read several related books and heard testimonials on this epiphany. I don't buy all the crap about religion. Only ignorant say that. There are stories but we are not instill of the culture, until we are a part of it, it is not for us to point fingers.

The irony is that one part of the world has gone too far on self proclaiming that it left behind a huge void in the description of morality. That patriarchy power has gone from everyday scenarios to politics. But in those part of world, the enemy is clear. But in these countries, no fingers pointed to the men. The fingers are bent by force of self destruction to their own bodies, dignity - if there is any.

I don't understand that some people prejudice against race and culture. It is good that the world's culture is not integrated. A friend of mine said that some culture is a pain in the ass for his modern self. Well, too bad. For me the world consists of two cultures: penis and vagina. It is not even relevant to proclaim female and male anymore, because we will leave transsexuals behind - Yes, I know what the Bible says.

What bugged me the most are the treatment, injustice and audacious malignancy against humanity, the discrimination against the sex that makes it possible for human to continue its legacy. Thorough the history, women have been the most humble and silent, submit to the supreme power that towers infront of her like a gate, that separate her from proclaiming who she is. Women, have been treated like objects throughout the history, the presence of this phenomenon is omnipotent. One cannot deny what the society - in general - expect from a woman. And you ban our books from your library just because we burn our own bras?

"No, it no longer exists."

Well, it does. Whoever denies that, is in denial, or doesn't have a vagina.

I love him. One of the Indonesian singers that I keep track of, aside from Marcell & Rio Febrian :D



Follow the rythm
I got my phone fixed yesterday, and relied on my pathetic telepathic skill to communicate. I caught Nights in Rodanthe. Frankly I watched it because of Richard Gere and Diane Keaton. I knew how it will end - perfectly matched my prediction. Yet I watched it anyway, maybe because lately, I've been impregnated with these insatiable emotions. I grew weary easily. And I want to let it out, but there has never been a satisfying moment for me to scream it out. Well.

It's a tear jerker. Watch it with your love ones.

Okay I should really be studying.

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Dear Baby,

I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why

Slow it down
make it stop
or else my heart is going to pop
'cuz it's too much
Yeah, it's a lot
to be something I'm not

I'm a fool
out of love
'cuz I just can't get enough

I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show

The sun is hot
in the sky
just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
and synchronize in time
It's a joke
Nobody knows
they've got a ticket to that show



Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My Friend
Posted this on his shoutout on Facebook:

(Name) wants compulsive uncontrollable emotion. He wants obsession. He wants to desire wishing for reciprocation without receiving it.

My sentiment exactly.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dear My dearest Vintage girl,

I'd rather not to ask, because if your answer is 'nothing', I knew it's over. There's nothing I can do to fix it. Sorry again.

Shop Owner.

Saturday, October 11, 2008
My short skirt.
It is not an invitation
a provocation
an indication
that I want it
or give it
or that I hook.

My short skirt
is not begging for it
it does not want you
to rip it off me
or pull it down.

My short skirt
is not a legal reason
for raping me
although it has been before
it will not hold up
in the new court.

My short skirt, believe it or not
has nothing to do with you.

My short skirt
is about discovering
the power of my lower calves
about cool autumn air traveling
up my inner thighs
about allowing everything I see
or pass or feel to live inside.

My short skirt is not proof
that I am stupid
or undecided
or a malleable little girl.

My short skirt is my defiance
I will not let you make me afraid
My short skirt is not showing off
this is who I am
before you made me cover it
or tone it down.
Get used to it.

My short skirt is happiness
I can feel myself on the ground.
I am here. I am hot.

My short skirt is a liberation
flag in the women's army
I declare these streets, any streets
my vagina's country.

My short skirt
is turquoise water
with swimming colored fish
a summer festival
in the starry dark
a bird calling
a train arriving in a foreign town
my short skirt is a wild spin
a full breath
a tango dip
my short skirt is

But mainly my short skirt
and everything under it
is Mine.

- Eve Ensler
Rape theme in Vagina Monologue



Is it there to lose?
I watched vagina monologue today, then had an early supper at Marina, before going off to Sentosa to watch Jazz by the beach. The first two were the highlight of my day.


I've got the thought today, who are you claiming friends, when no one belongs to anyone?

I guess I'm still bugged. But I have made my stance. Especially after today. Things have changed and I have no keys or superpower to retain the moment where it was good. It is the expectations. I expected things to stay the same and it is the wrong decision from the root. Because expectations stay the same, but people and circumstances change. And I couldn't have learned a better lesson.

You know what is ridiculous? I changed, but I keep expecting the same thing. I treat people differently, my time has changed, circumstances changed, hence, how do I expect people to treat me the same way?


A few days ago, I was catching up with one of my best buddies. We were talking and then I realized, I have grown out of our conversation. The same conversation could've happened a year ago and I would've been following it. But right now, my only question was, Do you read the paper?

There are people who will be there for you in a time where you need them, but the sentiment is there. Friends are friends forever, you can never lose them because they are not yours to claim in the first place. When you change, they change. Maybe to a different direction but the friendship is there and no one is asking anyone, or have the right to ask, to change to the same direction.

However, when the intimacy was only based on superficial circumstances and not genuine empathy, things will certainly go wrong.

I have learned that friendship, just like any other relationship, requires sacrifices. Like calling them up to hook up between hectic schedule or travel all the way to Sentosa to catch up within the last hour performance. It doesn't matter where, or when. It's the little stuff that show people matters, like, replying their SMS-es or e-mails. Small things that show you really, trully, find their companionship matters.

Here I am wondering why on earth do I care. I have a chance to kick this back but I care. Because people who I have hurt, or have hurt me, intentionally or unintentionally, recently, are my friends. They were there when the time was the hardest. People change, I see things differently now, but the friendship, the companionship, the past is there. But when the people stay the same, or go to a different direction, coversations will only dwell in our great past. The friendship will always be there, but there is no use in covering up empty seats. Now we are just different people going to different paths and talking different things. And now, more than ever, I should realize that life doesn't wait.

NB: NO ONE in specific. General thoughts triggered by failed attempt to reply smses and my unreplied attempt.

PSS: Some people are cursing about the dive of Australian Dollar. I'm cursing US Dollar. And hey, if you convert Australian Dollar and Singapore Dollar to Rupiah, Australian Dollar is cheaper than Singapore dollar. Buy your OZ dollar now if your future is there and invest wisely. A friend just cursed and swore (he's in the investment banking, hence he suffered deals - I mean the bonus - hehe...), but the predictions for better multi polar economic systems are floating around. You have to suffer the pain to gain, yes?

PSSS: Vagina Monologue wasn't too bad. It was amusing and entertaining. But I have seen some better scenes before. Plus the characters are too altered to fit into some archetypes. But I enjoyed it on the whole.

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#1: Favorite color?
Black/ gold

#2: Favorite chocolate?
Liquor Chocolate ( I want one from Leonidas right now!!) & Frozen Strawberry Fondue

#3: Favorite quote at the moment?
"My short skirt, believe it or not, has nothing to do with you."

#4: If you could be anywhere in the world (or time) right now, where would you be?
The Tulip Garden

#5: If you could change anything, what would it be?
It's either everything or nothing.

#6: Would you give up your voice if it meant that you'd have the ability to express exactly what you want with written words?

#7: If you could *be* any element, what would you be?
Water, the source of life.

#8: What song best describes your feelings right now?
Bruises - Chairlift

#9: Five things on your desk right now.
Vodka Cranberry, Bulgari's Rose Essentielle, a copy of Bomb, Book and Compass by Simon Winchester, a big mug of water and Crabtree & Evelyn's Summer Hill lotion.

#10: Would you rather be trapped in an indestructible black and white photo forever, or relive the same day for the rest of your life?
Relive the same day for the rest of my life. Strategy, when I have lived the perfect day, I'll commit suicide.

#11: What would you want people to remember you as?
Ehm... me?

#12: Would you rather hold a moonbeam, or a sunray?
Moon beam.

#13: White or black?

#14: What *fiction* character (book, movie, tv, ect) would you want to be?
Judy Abbott

#15: If you saw true love would you know it?
I doubt so.

#16: If you could drop yourself into any fiction world (movie, tv, book, etc) as an original character (not as yourself) what world and who would the character be?
as one who can travel through time, or hold the key to the time gate, like Sailor Pluto.

#17: Circle or square? Circle.
Circle, I like curves.

#18: Would it be cool to you to live in a house with secret rooms/passages?

#19: Okay, stupid question; if you could be *any* scented air freshener, what scent would you be?
Fresh laundry.

#20: Can falling be considered flying?
From which perpective?

#21: Are we dancing through life or marching?

#22: Have you ever danced in the rain?

#23: You're at a fork in the road... both paths are overgrown... do you go left or right?

#24: Pick any number.

#25: Have you ever screamed for no reason?

#26: Do you think there are hidden dimensions that we don't know about?

#27: Travel... the number one place you want to go.

#28: If you could live anywhere where would it be?
Hmmm... I like to keep my options open.

#29: Rivers or oceans?

#30: Ever seen two rainbows at the same time?

#31: Have you ever stood under a waterfall? Would you if you had the chance?

#32: If you could live on the moon, would you?
No. Unless there are more exciting lives on the moon.

#33: Have you ever snapped a picture of a stranger and then make up a story about them in your head?
YES!! I love that.

#34: Why is the sky blue?
According to whom?

#35: What color would you paint the sky?
It is perfect the way it is.



Friday, October 10, 2008
Empty Streets

I believe in 'lost in the music' state of body. Actually I'm fine. Better than few days ago. Thanks to the girls. Nothing cheer you up better than a fresh dose of gossips. Talk about creepy people. One girl that I met recently (very recent, mind you) gave me a bad impression. I reached home, and per usual, I took off my killer heel shoes in the living room, careless of who's watching. And the girl stared at me, SLOWLY, and irritatingly, from head to toe. I thought as the more educated and more polite bloc here, I should say hi. So did I. Rest the wish, she turned her face. Double you tea elf?

But the first thing she asked G when I was away, was, "Is she rich?"

Please. Another double you tea elf here. And not only that. She interviewed G about moi. What a creep.

Anyway, watching vagina monologue with the Babe, Riz and Mon. Hopefully it'll cheer me up. Am late already!



Wednesday, October 8, 2008
One Emo Girl
>>>Ðĵ ķōķō ™>>> says:
How the run?
gin says:
gin says:
I'm kind of sad
gin says:
honestly, when husky was here, life was merry
gin says:
when he's gone,
gin says:
I kinda realize it's lonely by the day
gin says:
i mean,
gin says:
friends are busy with their own stuff
gin says:
cuma bisa ngobrol with some of them at night
gin says:
quite miserable
gin says:
by the day, there is this huge sense of loss, like a big black hole
gin says:
as much as I try to support myself and say that this is only my mind playing tricks on me
gin says:
I swear these days have been the loneliest
gin says:
even when I ran just now
gin says:
normally I know that someone will wait for my call
gin says:
or sms me when I do
gin says:
but just now I feel free
gin says:
total liberty
gin says:
and it comes with a huge wave of loneliness
gin says:
gin says:
don't mind me
gin says:
just rambling



Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I believe in Miracle.
It's not a cliche. I believe in miracle. I believe wholeheartedly in miracle. I witnessed my beloved pet came back alive as I pray. I'm not shitting. God is Good. THAT good.



Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hilarious as a quickie to the actual thing. But this is way better:


I can't believe that school is starting tomorrow. I feel restless. I hope this condition improves. For the time being. I feel like writing again. Passion ignited again. Ideas never announce in the perfect time, never does passion nor inspiration. I have had a quiet day, yet I was impotent. Now I am half full, but my time is up.

Friday, October 3, 2008
Say Something

Oldies! I love.
Haven - Say Something

I won't say anything cos I don't mean it,
Won't make a promise cos I won't keep it,
believe me now I'd only lie to you.
Well I've said that thought a thousand times,
I believe in something that I can't find
so believe me now, I'd only lie to you.

Now won't you say something,
please say something,
and believe me now, I'd only lie to you.

I spent my time collecting all the scars and
I know I'm lying but the truth is in your charm,
I hope down inside I can't be what I'm not.

Well I've said that thought a thousand times,
I believe in something that I can't find,
so believe me now I'd only lie to you.

Now won't you say something,
please say something,
and believe me now I'd only lie to you.



My current Love Song:

Bruises by Chairlift.

What a tiring week. After spending one whole week with Husky, he finally took off. His flight was this morning. I thought I might cry like crazy. I was teary when I think of those will be missed physical companies and affections. It's difficult, especially when his voice will no longer be as near.

I had my share in crying I guess. So I didn't cry this morning. HE. was teary when he parted with his mother.

I wouldn't let him go, trade him, barter him for anything else.

I went home afterwards, chill up a little, then went to Orchard to meet 76 and SV. We had a great shopping day. And they really cheered me up. They didn't even mention anything about it, and it was a relief.

But hey! We had our party ourselves. And it was a hell ball of fun, parading along Orchard Road to The Cathay. Then part because we all have our dinner plans.

After spending my money (impulsively - of course), I came home after a dinner and dear oh dear, am I tired.

PS: Had fun watching the race! Had more fun when I REALLY can WATCH and LISTEN (without my ears being deafened) on TV. But I wouldn't trade the experience to anything else! Too bad Kimi was out.

PSS: Correction. TG is an asshole nonetheless. Never. Ever. Ever. Ever. EVER. Try to be FRIENDLY to that human being. Onggokkan daging tak berguna. Ngabis-ngabisin oksigen aja.

PSSS: I can't wait to finish all my next term's assignments, man. Then engineer my grand plan.


PSSSSS: I'm gonna have to sell my shoes or give them away! EEEKS.
Last Post Script: I watched F.F. Coppola's Youth without Youth. It started off very, very slow and boring (typical), but when it kicked, it kicks. The movie is ingeniously twisted and full of riddles. But I LOVE this movie (please note, only applicable after the kicking part). Too lazy and tired to tell you about what. Go search imdb!

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