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Monday, June 30, 2008
I've always love dogs. I used to have a collie. But I was too little back then to understand that a dog's life could mean so much. I could never forget, ever, the day when my father gave away our dog. Although I've never get the chance to know what she was like, her cage was empty and it was a loss.

I'm browsing through movies to watch tomorrow. And wanted to watch Wanted. I know it WILL be an action-and-babe-pack movie. So I was considering Children of Glory (Szabadság, Szerelem). But I'm watching it with Husky and I doubt he would stand 123 minutes of Hungarian History. Doubt it especially after he sat me down for 150 minutes to watch The Hottie and the Nottie.

Anyway, I thought of 10 Promises to My Dog. I hope it'll be as good as Quill.

From inu10 website:

1. Give me time to understand what do you want from me.
2. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.
3. Be aware. I'll never forget of your treatment.
4. Before scolding me for being lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your language, I understand your voice speaking to me.
6. Remember before you hit me, I have teeth that could bite you. But I choose not to.
7. Take care of me when I get old.
8. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I only have you.
9. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me.
10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Everything will be easier for me if you are there. Remember that I love you.

Friday, June 27, 2008
I love this video!
I found this when I was browsing around Youtube. It's one of my favorite songs and definitely my favorite couple in SatC. Gracious when will I grow out of the show...



Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Baby Girl
I can TOTALLY relate to this song:

"Dear Mom and Dad,
Please send money, I’m so broke that it ain’t funny.
I don't need much, just enough to get me through.
Please don’t worry 'cause I'm all right,
I’m playin’ here at the bar tonight.
This time, I’m gonna make our dreams come true.
Well, I love you more than anything in the world...

Your baby girl."



Piano Festival 2008
I just hope that Husky won't complain after him :)

Boring day. Go to library to research on some summer project and have to start on my proposal.

Dad (innocently):
Oh! You are getting serious about my work!

Dear Daddy,
What didn't you understand from:

I'm not joking.

So apparently, enigmatically enough, I have always been thinking that my father is working in IT field. But precisely, no.

My product is on lease to financial institutions which offer investment opportunity such as commodity, forex, or any other financial instruments trading to public.

Yeah, I have no idea what is that. I think it's like a brokerhouse slash financial consultant.

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Monday, June 23, 2008
The picture that made my day

Never was a fan of Brangelina. But this picture made my day :)

Ocean Lover
Husky went for his reservist today. Looking - ehem - delicious in his army uniform (apparently he dislikes wearing it).

I feel like single today :)

I slept, woke up, finished William Brodrick's The 6th Lamentation (It was simply exquisite and the plots are executed beautifully).

Then, finally, after a three-month hiatus, I run to East Coast. It wasn't as long as usual, normally I'd run until I way pass the Amber Garden's underpass. But today, I think I shouldn't be too hard on myself.

I watched the languorous orange light setting faraway on the horizon; creeping tide. I watched as the sea proclaims his love to the shore, holding every sand in his womb. To retain as wide as the width of his wave. Yet he let her go, to where she belongs.

Then I come home, to a prepared dinner (by Rene and I) of rice and sauted french bean. I tried to replicate Mom's but I couldn't. So I mixed it with black pepper paste, and it tasted surprisingly well. And I haven't had a proper dinner for the longest time.

Oh ya, I spilled the whole bag of Shanghai White Nuts brought by Novy the other day. Pure idiot mobility. That's the last one, and the one I love the most. Should I cry? CRY! I think it's only available in Indonesia...

I took a long, long shower after that. And realised that I was bitten by three mosquitoes.

I had a great day.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008
Katom Katom
Woke up today and met Novy. I haven't seen her for almost a year!!! :D She didn't change and we'll be going to Ikea tomorrow, together with Renee. Anyway.

So we wander around Orchard. She needs to find a dress for her father in law (FIL)'s birthday tonight. We found one at Banana Republic and THERE, I found THIS BEAUTIFUL CASHMERE SWEATER. Seriously and it was a BOMB. But trust me it was worthed with 50% discount + 10% on my visa. It is very dangerous to have a card on my hand.

So I got it. And I got another dress with paisley pattern and bought presents for my little sister, moleskin agendas for Novy (thankyougift) and pour moi and a shirt for Coboh (belatedbdaypresent) and a cami for moi at GAP...

Too tired to pour out the details.


I am sad because Husky is going to Reservist next week. Right in the middle of my holiday. Can someone pass me tissue, please? Thank you, dear.

I found out, sometimes, we speak but we don't really talk. Sometimes he's too tired. Sometimes I'm too cranky. Things have been great lately though, and I really, really treasure every minute. Yeah, except the part where I have to travel 45mins to his place and walk to and from MRT stations. If everyplace I fond of can relocate to E.Coast, I'll be very happy. (E.g.: Husky's place, raffles city, citylink, suntec city, esplanade, wheelock, paragon and The Cathay.)

Anyway I've been calling him for twenty times now but I think his phone has no network coverage...

Yeah. So now I'm going to get a good long hot shower and wait in vain for my lovely cami to dry. Do you realise that the weather is shifting like crazy these few days? Is horsey hot today, man. Yet yesterday it was raining like Goliath's slumber drool.



Roll up and weep!


On the 3rd of August, you'll find me soaked in tears.


I'm only hoping for Death Cab for Cutie on the 12th.

Thanks Nat for telling me. Love you.


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Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The gift things
My friend and I recently debated over the presentation of presents. For her, the cover is not important. She tend to wrap everything with newspaper or drawing paper. For me, I need ribbon, gift wrap or box. With ribbon. The bigger and the softer the better. Last Christmas, I spent almost $100 for gift wraps alone. I mean, seriously, it was Christmas and everyone would be more excited to see presents that are wrapped nicely. Come on, if you want to give something, give it perfectly. I mean, that's pour moi.

It's just like a good phrase to start a book. Or like a hug, you know. When you have known someone for a period of time, you just need to hug that person when you're about to part. To end something in a good mood (The last part is not entirely true. I'm just a touchy feely person - yeah I know that's irritating).

If your present sucks, at least the wrapping is good. If the present sucks and the wrapping sucks, you suck.

Besides, it a way to be appreciative.

NO. I don't buy that wrapping paper kills forests and things. I'd wear fur and I cannot live without aircon. I'll stop eating meat and will start to use candle. I use recycling bags and papers and have no objections in taking electric car - however unglamorous that is. But not for the first three.



Monday, June 16, 2008
The city is my date
Yesterday, I had the funnest day.

After handed in my final assignments for the semester, Nom and I went to eat at long john silver near the school which taste like crap. The fries was refried and the coke was over-diluted.

So then, Nom was gonna wait for Jes, while I thought, I might as well just wait for Husky. So we went to Suntec.

I rewarded my hardwork with a bar of chocolate con lethe. And dear, did I find the perfect summerdress!!

It was beautiful!

They were from Bebe. And I'm liking the last one better. However, it was 300 bucks per dress. So seriously, scratch it off. Later on, I found their substitute. One from Promod and the other one was this blue stripe maxi dress that fits me PERFECTLY from GAP. And it was supernice, however, it's just five cm. too long. They don't have alteration service.

End up didn't buy any.

But. We went to play arcade. And I played DDR!! Seriously, it's been at least what, three years? I haven't played those childish games? Man, was it ffffun! Just let it all out there. I mean, of course, dancefloor would've sound much nicer. But gotta make a do with whatever we have, right? Was planning to get the girls to go out since I'm finished all of my assignments. But let's just see.

Then afterwards, I dragged Nom to Carrefour and played our 'theme song' at their display piano.
Afterwards I went home and slept for 20 hours.

I am a happy woman.

Sunday, June 15, 2008
The prettiest things are often unsaid
My project is halfway done. The last one, yes, the last one baby! The last for this semester that is. Anyway, I've been ogling myself silly at Microsoft Word pages since yesterday, my eyes are tired. Between the air con and me, it's been a nerve straining redbull and caffeine filled night. And because of the heat interference, I can't properly feel my butt. Or it's just me who's been sitting too long.

It's not a secret but I miss a long jog at east coast beach. It's been a few weeks. I can't swim now since QQ went back to Jakarta. If only his landlady wasn't a barking female.

Jo bought a new black Lab! I haven't been properly expose my excitement to her new little friend but Jo, if you're reading this, I LOVE LAB. AND I LOVE ROTTWEILER. For one reason or another, Rottweiler is black and you do the math. I love black lab.

Cutie Pie, the latest addition to Husky's quarantine tank died today. It was a well-shaped Ranchu. Imagine if it grows nice and big. One goodness-forbid day, if I were to be selling-my-bras broke, I could secretly auction that ranchu, ya? ;)

I'm not that sad, really, it's just a big pity since Cutiepie was a very cute ranchu (hence the name).

I found out, through pain-in-the-buttcheeks journey, cliche as it is, people practice offense is the best defense. You know, you don't have to talk down upon other people to tell the world that you're not perfect.

See, a friend of mine called me fat a few days ago. Well, I'm not stick skinny thin, but I watch my weight. I believe women should have fat where there should be fat. I don't buy waif look and I'm not obsessed to be 45kg. I thought it might just be a different in perspective.

But another friend told me that she recently underwent a serious diet and loss 5 kgs in a few weeks, and still feel fat. She's thin now, by the way.

I guess she must've felt very good to lose all that chunks inside that bunks.

The thing that annoys me VERY MUCH is that she needs to repeat herself more than a few times to point out that I am fat. I mean, man. If you're happy, good. I'm happy for you. But you don't need to compare yourself to me to make you feel better, right. More over, is it really necessary make me feel bad about myself to make you happy?

Another thing. So yes, I know a little bit more about culture than my peers. It's simply because I'm brought up with it. And no one I know cares about it. Those who cares normally don't have time to sit down and discuss it with me over coffee. Spontaneous that I am, I would just blurt out my thoughts of a performance and sometimes criticize a technique with terms that maybe, they don't understand. It's not bragging. Case study A, with A.

What jerks me out, is that when I talk about it, and A looked uncomfortable and shoot me back with terms that she knows about rollerblades. Double You Tea Elf. I mean, it's stupid, right. If you're uncomfortable, just say so; lord knows I wouldn't mind to keep it until I go home and type blogger on my mozilla. There's no need to ignite any tension.

And the ever-so-famous, "Why do you wear make up? You are so fake."

Dear Shallow,

Just because you're not make-up savvy and put up that idealistic thought on your facade, it doesn't mean that I'm fake. It just shows that you are insecure around me.

I bet if you have a plane ticket to New York and start anew, you'll be 'fake' as well.

Now shoo and stop bothering me.

The last case. I want to write for Husky.

Dear Sweetie,

Don't be sad over cutiepie. Some wonders are just best to have never known the world. Now smile up and call me.


PS: I hate M1. Seriously. Whoever said M1 is the best must not be a very social person, because I tell you, M1 is not only expensive, but doesn't offer anything much. Remember Iris? Now Starhub has Iris service. The best they have in their reward points is $30 Zara Voucher. Seriously. $30 at Zara. You'll only get yourself a tank top. And a not very good one that is!



Thursday, June 12, 2008
Holiday around the corner
After finishing two of my four assignments, I decided to take a break and attend Fios Fashion Show with Husky. It was an invitation from Rene actually.

Proven that. I'm not the type who can stop in the middle. Plus it was super tiring and food was less than decent.

Ah jaa. I had a lunch with my lecturer, Ms. Ishouldntmentionnames. I thought it'd be awkward just the two of us, but turned out that she's quite talkative.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Vast is the sea,
Strong wind,
I'm still alone.



Monday, June 9, 2008
Frame my mind, pin it down on the table and find nada

I was trying to escape the fact that my room is in a shipwreck condition, if the cleaning inspector come and see this, she'll drop dead (I was about to add 'and scream' but then I remember that she's dead). Anyway. My un-ironed laundry scattered on my bed and the carpet hasn't been vacuumed. My toilet is... decent (I wash it everyday, kay!). And MY WORK STATION IS FILLED WITH CUPS AND TEAS AND other small insignificant stuffs and FOOD.

Let's talk about FOOD.

I came back this morning and make myself and Rene a mushroom-and-chives-egg with ham sandwich. Then this afternoon, I have Ebi rice burger at MOS and a pack of caramel corn and M&Ms. Then tonight, I had a pack of steam potato crackers, with half a pack of caramel corn and a pack of instant noodle. I am bloody bloated!!!

Blame Frances Meyes' books, really! I've been tempted to cook Italian cuisine lately.

So I was in the market and I was holding an avocado and golden mushroom, which I initially had planned to make later this evening for dinner. I was looking down to this green fruit. Which I love and tastes delicious (I'd rather eat avocado than beef. Seriously).

But again, there I was holding avocado and suddenly thoughts come to mind, how the whale am I going to cook this?

Oh yah, I can always research.

So the plan was to research before I cook. Like the usual.

But dear, oh dear, as the usual, my mind started to making up list.

The list was:

1. Go home
2. Tidy up bed
3. Feed the fishes
4. Wrap gifts
5. Research on avocado
6. Go down
7. Clean the ingredients
8. Cut the avocado and extract its meat
9. Wrap it around ham and golden mushroom
10. Start baking
11. Eat
12. Do homework

It was TOO much hassle! So I replaced steps 7 - 10 to 'Cook Indomie with egg'. Which is much simpler.

Talk about which!!! IRRITATING COURSEWORK. I actually have to redo my website for school project because they require moi to use frame and tables and whateverthetechnamethatiwillneverget! argh. Gimme MICROSOFT WORD ANYTIME. Thank you.

Lemme go back to my list and get the work done and over with!




Black Book
What is it about world war II that is simply irresistible. Could it be formed by the copious lives affected that had been captured and overexposed by the media that I consume?


I watch this today at the picturehouse...

The heroine was a chameleon, together with twisted plot, double crossing backstabber. The plot was so complex and absurd that makes the whole movie believable. It's based on real stories... It reminded me a little of All About Eve... Bravo to the director. Watch it, you'll know what I mean.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008
Architechture of silence
It's a bit dated, but I had a complimentary ticket for one of the shows of Singapore Arts Festival - Architecture of Silence at the Esplanade Theater. A collaboration of Slovene National Theatres Opera and Ballet with Maribor, Ljubljana and Singapore Festival Orchestra. It was the Asian Premiere and geewhiz was it the VIP box on its premiere date. Happy.

Ironic was the word. As the beauty tuned from its silent dance which impersonates the silence of the sea, yet the orchestra was pomp. I think that scene where pebbles dropping to the aquarium could be executed better because for the period it's been done, almost for a whole scene, I kept wondering its meaning. Time, rebellion, out of proportion, wilderness, nature, silence, baptism, rebirth. Keywords...

It was an admirable performance, though. The footwork was very neat.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008
This week is supposed to be my mad week, because two of my deadlines are due next week. But well. On the premier day, I couldn't afford to miss Sex and the City! :D

Yes, yes, cliche, yep, chickflick, yep, frills and overthetop gowns but hey! It's SEX AND THE CITY, dude. What do you expect? Watched it with Rene and Dora. It wasn't the best movie around, though. If you haven't watched the series you may want to stay out of it, and watch Narnia: Prince Caspian!

But it's the first time I watch at Great World City cinema. Talk about which, the biggest screen I've watched in Singapore was the one at the Science Centre, watching Spiderwick's Chronicles. 0.5 metres bigger than GVMax, if I'm not mistaken.

Anyhow, Prince Caspian.

Watch it with Jo, Ashton and QQ. I've shuddered and goosebumpsed. I finally understood, a carrier in mass communications means that you can't enjoy any form of communication without critical thinking. Even reading a newspaper today, or seeing a photograph in the paper, I would screen any form of public relations there, or any kind of subliminal messaging there. Watching Prince Caspian, I was hoping to get entertained, but lord, it was almost tiring to watch, because I noticed every single camera angle, I noted down the scriptstyle, I noticed the fade ins of the soundtracks, the special effects and everything.

BUT. Since I get free tickets every monday and discounted tickets on Tuesday, priority seatings on Wednesday, I shall watch movies everyday.

Today is a mark on my relationship with Husky. We hit the ten months' hike. Let's see how far can we go...

We celebrated it with a few drinks, found out that our resistance levels have gone waaay down. We produced out the gift from Erka, a bottle of the finest vodka in Mongolia, the Chinggis Vodka. The shooter battle goes and we're tipsy about half a bottle.

Another finding, is that Myojo Mee Soto Ayam the instant noodles actually tastes good! :D

It is not supposed to be a long post. Anyway, shall go back to work now.


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