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Saturday, November 29, 2008
I learned a lot today. And it is ironic because today is the farewell party. I have been pondering, in this 'honeymoon' that I'm having. What actually can I get out of it?

I meet many people with many characters. The good, the bad, the weird and the totally off. I learned how to accept people and not to judge. I learned to accept that I'm not perfect by getting to know other people.

But how do you differentiate friends and acquaintances? How do you tell which one will last for long and which won't? How do you tell the gold from brass?

I guess there's no short and fast way. Sometimes, one's intention is to be friendly, but somepeople are merely judgmental. Sometimes, one's intention is to help, but some people are simply too problematic and push you away. Sometimes, your first impression fooled you, you thought of arrogance and cold heart, but some people are just in for the prize, not the game. Sometimes, you think they are your friends, but some people would rather see you walk than to walk together with you. Sometimes, what you understand is friendship requires sacrifices, but some people just don't know where to draw the line.

And most often, you think that you know where are you going, but that's when things go wrong.

I met assholes, prudes, airheads, Elvis, distant, to just plain WEIRD.

But this is my honeymoon, as MK said that. It is the time where I enjoy my time the most.

People say, when I'm away, I'll start a new life. Yes, but this is what I'm bringing along with me: immeasurable treasure I call friendship. Not friends, but friendship. People that I know I can confide in and will talk bad about me, judge me, but is there to lend the shoulder.

I'm really sad. Because I know it's ending soon. You know how they say the best prize is the last one? I think so too. Because I realize, when people cares for you, it is because of a good heart who is willing to make a place, not because of self-centered pride who is there because of who you are.

You might be asking what am I talking about.

But if you understand, I'm happy for you.

Dear my honeymoon friends, I'm really happy to have met you. I have a feeling that our path might not cross. But this is life we're talking about. You gave me the best closure that I need. And truly, I love you all and will eternally be grateful for the time we have spent.

This is what
you do for your special someone:

And then, this is when you go extra miles:

You can feed them by clicking the pool. And I don't know how The Man change the color. I guess it makes him happy to have a few things to do with fish. Yeah, you read my mind.

Friday, November 28, 2008
Kasih itu lemah lembut,
Kasih itu memaafkan
Kasih itu murah hati
Kasih itu tulus dan baik.

- Yuda D. Mailo'ol



Calling all Angels.

Is he just the sexiest guy alive or what.

I just realized, there are many songs, whose singer is a woman, would say, "How could you do that to me after I've given my all..." - and similar statement.

Hm. Maybe they do that to you because you've given your all, madam?

Yeah yeah, I'm an Oprah believer.



Reasons to Love You



Thursday, November 27, 2008
happily! Christmas shopping is done. I'm willing to publish the pictures of the stack of presents, I think twice last year's, but my phone doesn't allow that. I'll try to figure it out.

Lately I've been at the both edges of emotional euphoria, I have no idea what drove me to such extremes. But glad that I have faith that keep me in balance.

Anyway, going to charles and keith sale today hopefully I score! Toodles.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
what a party
Ha! I want egg tart and I have listed down presents for my loved ones. Gonna give Ai a make up set. Since she loves make up. But she's also a backpacker. Should I give her a pocket knife instead? Anyway, I love this secret santa thing..

Then I have my roomie, mom and bro. Hmm. Should I give to the rest? Of course it's christmas spirit.

I wanna go home

I'm just really homesick. I miss my family, how sucky they are. I miss the Christmas tree, that they erected although I'm the only one who's celebrating. I miss the scent and the constant drama. I miss mom. I miss the food. I miss having a shelter and protection. I miss the late night city shopping. I miss shopping with mom. I miss when everything is right. I miss my home.

I'm lucky I know, but I wanna go home...
Let me go home.

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Let me clear my stance. I'm not under influence of any church. I'm writing as a music fan.

This is just repulsive. But even worse is this:


First and foremost, judging a music should solely based on the music. After judging the music then one can move on to the singer, but one shouldn't alter their judgment in the music because of the singer. And especially not because of the singer's life. Those two components should be completely separated.

You see, there are talented people with disgusting life.

It disgusts me when people are starting to judge Sun's music by her life as a pastor's wife. Double you tea elf. How more narrow can one be?

I mean, come on, her music is trash and she has no talent period. How does her talent have anything to do with her personal life?

Has it ever occur to you in judging her life that when she earns, she donated the sum for charity work? Research on the most basic level at least: wikipedia contains numerous of her charity works.

Stop it. Her work is a trash that I can't even finish watching her video. But she is a singer and a singer period when you're judging her music and MV. Don't link her to anything else, and worse even when the linkage extended to a judgment involving amass of people who did nothing to offend you.

Yeah I get all the 'it's common sense for people to judge her by life and etc.' that's exactly the reason why I typed this down. It's common sense for me to judge those people as morons because they judge something by a wrong determinant. Talk about bad logic.

Why Sun is not popular in Singapore: She has no talent and hired a bad PR team.



Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I think the world is extincting.


I have:

- Magazine, and designing is not specialty. So I crank up everytime I have to edit my finished work.
- The Club. Designing AGAIN is not my job. Some effing dumbass person got me into this pit which I had to design the poster AGAIN, and deliver it all the way to city hall although I'm skipping class already (SEE I'M THAT DESPERATE FOR MORE TIME).
- Debate meeting, 11AM, haven't prepared for speech yet. And now, 00:23 AM I just got back home from Asia Conference.
- Event on Friday.
- Test tomorrow, 1 PM
- Deadline on Friday, 11 Am.
- The thing that make me happy: Asia Conference. Tomorrow - Sunday, 7:30PM.

See? Can someone kill me already? My mailbox is like a bag full of bombs. Can please stop mailing me already!



Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
I thought I might die from 007 Overdose but quite the contrary, I survived and breathe fresh air. The 80s Bonds sucks BIG TIME. In a feminist perspective of course, 'Oh James! I miss you so much! Oh James, I was so worried!" PLEASE, kill me already! But fast forward time machine brought me Die Another Day with James' Big Bang theory in a mocking dialogue between two women seriously got my attention. The male gazers are ON but isn't that just Bond? But when there is a knife with a woman on top (it ends up with her below but that besides the point) seriously throw the big blue eye pouty lips blond dumb bond girl out of the window. The movie went downhill again when Jinx drowned and superhero had to save her.

BUT I LOVE CASINO ROYALE! Not only Vesper rocks, she itched Bond so much that he called her 'bitch'. Yay man! I'm so happy to know that Casino Royale is the remake of the first novel written by Ian Fleming. That's uber great. I heard Quantum of Solace was terrible tho.

It itched me to know that the 80s bond girl are the barbies whereas the 70s are mostly sexual predators (Pussy Galore as a Bond Girl should give you the idea).



Friday, November 7, 2008

Whatever Palin. How did America get Palin in the first place!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It's not the end of the world
One of my lecturers told me that when I got a bad grade last semester.

I found out that it's true. Although I'm a student and study is supposed to be my life and it is my life, when I got a bad grade, it is not the end of the world.

I did OK for this semester. My friends are telling me that it is quite good. But it's pretty weird I guess, when you don't get your expected results. However, I didn't expect more than the worst, like last semester. Hence I'm glad.

Honestly I'm a bit indifferent towards results. Again the point is that I'm happy that I learned what I've learned. Some very important matters such as feminism, well, it's a toughie.

But again. If you know what you're supposed to do with your life, you won't let any other grade you with, quoting my lecturer, 'Alphabets'.

Will I say this if all my grades are the best? Yes. What is a best grade? Full HDs? I can get a full HDs if I paraphrased previous papers. Does it matter? I can ask people to do it for me to get a full HDs. There are many ways to Rome. But what matters is what you want, and where lays your heart.

I have other destination in life, a little let down and flaws are good to remind us that human - like you - is not perfect. It will keep you humble once you're successful. That you are successful not because of your life sacrifices, but by mercy. Some say luck. Whatever.

Anyway I'm just rambling because my stinking assignments circle started again. One of my lecturer told me to go to MediaCorp and whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Who have that much time! Freaks.

Anyway, for my kind lecturer who sent me the kind email this morning, I really thank you for what you've taught me, to get me through all the lesson 'safely' and to feed me with the knowledge I couldn't have gained elsewere.



Monday, November 3, 2008
Paris for President!
See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

She even have a music video!


