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Saturday, September 27, 2008
Happier Entry
Yesterday 76 told me that she's coming next week! Which means fun. Too bad I won't be there week-long to entertain her! So sad. Because friday Husky is going off. Anyway, Novy is coming on the 12th too. So let me just blog about happier things.

What makes me happy lately:

- met my friends, dearest dearest friends who made me laugh my head off. I thought 'The Guy' was horrible, but you know, he's quite fun and quite nice when he wants to be. And good to know I have fella F1 fans. Most people I know just love F1 when the buzz of the race being perpetually fed on CNA and Ch5.

- Baking! Yay yay!

- Two of my dearest friends are coming next week and the week after. Oh, and S is coming with 76 so we can have REAL fun.


- Anticipation for December :D December is a big month. BIG. HUGGGEE. ENORMOUS. Gigantic!

- The guys of the rectangle table are just insanely hilarious. I learn quite a few of Korean (bad) vocabs lately. But it's fun to have a new member who're as outgoing and outspoken. It's just too bad that Icha has to go. I miss her, man. It's rare when you meet a friend who can meet their heads and synchronize our work style. As if we have that innate understanding of what we want to see on a project. And the best thing is, she's as perfectionist as I am, so needless to say, we match. But she's coming back in october for a few days, so could catch up!!! :D:D

- My roomie's sister. She's funny and she dances! Great score.

- I don't know which part of this supposed to make me happier, because my bank account is certainly severing because of this: I shop lately. And I'm happy! There was this day where I bought several outfits (+lingerie) altogether, and although it all costs me around 600++, I had fun and I look great in them. Now next buy: running shoe. Seriously.

- The fact that I've been able to run at night, since Husky is less petty these days. Good thing. I shall drag him to run with me next week.

- I believe wholeheartedly that every cloud has a silver lining. So on the bright side, I'll be "single" from next week!!! YAYYYYYYYY!!! FREEDOM! You know what, I'm a hardcore believer that Long distance relationship is an extraterritorial case. I should not, would not and could not mingle in it. It just doesn't make sense! But since I'm confirm (double chop) going to meet Husky again n December, I'm willing to do this. However, I have forewarned him that LDR is just not my thing. He warned me to be good. But who knows, I might surprise him. Afterall, this is my time!!!

Okay, have to admit that I'm a pure head to toe sanguine. I can't be sad for too long. I have had that period and I'm very much over it. It just doesn't make sense when you only have 24 hours a day and spend it sulking. Be happy for something. So this is for you who are cynical, angry, sad, depressed and low: I'm telling you, be happy that you can still walk on your feet. Because when the day comes where you have to crawl, you'll regret the day where you chose to sit and weep instead of running around barefoot. Ha. Think about that!




And hey! It is predictable! I can't say I'm at all surprised when someone of a high rank (who can pay) ask for a girl whom he can mingle and show for a night that has a degree as well! Adds up to their image, no?

A few friends came over to play Wii downstairs and they are (unintentionally, I believe) very noisy.

Aiight. Can't wait for tomorrow! but meanwhile!

Spoiled ugly shoes! I bought this a year ago, honestly I never really wear flat shoes. But the weather these few months is just killing my heels. So I've been wearing sandals (flat summer sandal) to school. When I thought I could pull off hose with flats (finally bracing myself wearing one), this is what happened:

The thing just snapped on bus and I had to drag my foot (and apparently spoiled my hose as well!) around suntec city. I managed to find a security line and tied it around my foot and looked ultra unglam.

Yeah. I know. Charles and Keith saved my life.

Anyway, this is my room. Tilt your head to the right a bit! Yeap. You can see there, on the far right is my desk, then you can see the tank, beside the tank is a very comfortable couch (beside the couch is a bookshelf, it's not in the pic though) - that is our reading corner, you can see stack of newspapers there as well. Behind the fish tank is my bathroom. And you can see clothing rail, a new addition to the room with a hoop on it. Yeap, I hula.

I baked katetong (ID: Lidah Kucing - Cat's Tongue). They're very delicious, so I'm trying to make it. The shape is uneven, because I don't have the mould....

My roomie recently pointed out that I buy a lot of new stuffs lately. Not really! The new stuffs are only moisturizer which was finishing. But I realized I have plenty of Kiehl's stuff. Those are some. I still have two cleansers, shampoo, conditioner and one teatree toner. If Kiehl's launch their make up line, I'll be queuing as well. Good stuff.



Friday, September 26, 2008
Yeah man, take a BREAK

Had fun with SP and SR, went to Zouk and brushed shoulders with Toyota people! Hey yeah! There was a BMW event on Velvet Underground, didn't go there though, for old time's sake, we mamboed instead. Plus kind of a farewell for Husky as well. And remembering the time before we got together. So sad! And supermightily packed. Talk about birth control man...


Evening. Rushed like mad because woke up late, finishing a few last minute's projects. Cabbed home, cabbed to and fro, cabbed all the way to the valley of the brokeness. Then had a farewell (again) dinner with Icha and the guys. Then went to an F1 party at Arena, finally meet up with Jo and Nom! MISSING THEM. It was mightily fun! Too bad, no one dances. I did though. And won a prize for it! Then followed by a dinner at Newton hawker.

Talk about bye byes. It's next week man...

PS: Watching the race on Sunday! Hurraah!



Monday, September 22, 2008
LiLo Bossy
I was listening to it and actually anchored to its lyrics!

I'm just a little bossy,
I like it how I like it, when I like it and that's how it is
I'm just a little bossy,
You got a problem with it, If I want it I get it now

Yeah. Who else would go to Shop and Save at 12AM to get a baking powder because I feel like baking? Hm. I should really stop being this impulsive and persistent. It's bad for my health and wealth.

PS: The album is out soon.



I love the world [and the song!]

PS: 6 Days to Sing GP. Excited? Hell yeah!



Saturday, September 20, 2008
Mamma Mia!
Mamma Mia! rocks my socks!

I can't believe that I said that out loud last night but it truly is! Yesterday, after my voluntary training (On Eng Teng Ng, which kind of remind me of Renoir's work).

I went to Borders for book shop! I am HAPPY I can READ finally! I got Homer's Odyssey and bunch of other light reads. After this, I'm going to get Eliad and Divine Comedy. I have only read half of the Inferno. I'm broke alright.

Then we went to Cineleisure and watched Mamma Mia! I tell you, the queue was crazily long!

And I SANG TO EVERY SONG in that freakingly good movie!

But generation divides. My friend who are younger couldn't relate that well to movie. But since Mom is a big ABBA fan, I love everysingle minute (OK, the part where Meryl Streep sings on a cliff was a bit draggy and forced, but necessary none the less). I love the movie man! Going to watch it again and buy the DVD! Yeap downloaded their soundtrack already! Haha... Couldn't find the album on gramophone.

Then we had a dinner, before I part to meet Husky. We walked back and kinda realized I miss the spontaneous kiss he used to give me, which he gave me (or otherwise) right before I jumped in to train. Since I'm a romantic, I can totally picture that in brain with a soundtrack, completed with a totally different scenario and bigger station clock! Sheeh.

Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day!

Then I came back home and do some work, finished one poster, two more to go. And still have to write an appeal letter. Going to Vivo today.



Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Today, my dad emailed me with his concern over my choice, supported by my new-never-met-before auntie's opinion.

Anyway, my point is.

If you have been missing for 15 years, and when you did not show any sign of concern before, is it fair that now I must be obedient to you? I mean, what I get, our relationship is friendship where you supply me with tuition fee and living necessities and I forgive what you have done and try my best not to burden you more.

It is not my option to call, am I right? But when you show your concern, especially with consulting a so-called auntie, whom I have never met before, and when she gives her opinion that sounds much of her impression on me - which I gather must come from her previous relationship from mom, don't you think I'm entitled to feel hurt?

Our relationship is not yet steady, and you bring this other woman along. Why can't you just let me be, if I fail and miserable, at least I held that responsibility myself and I wouldn't have to think of you. I do not want you to be one of my emotional attachments.

Naive/ Positivity
I remember those days when I say things and it will eventually happen. I'm not sure if it's sheer luck or positivity. I used to believe that I will be *...* and it happened. But these days, I tend to forget this "sheer luck" systematic.

Whatever I'm doing now, it's hard work. Which is not the feeling I want to get. To believe the results is simply based on hardwork is a selfish feeling.

A few days ago, there was a search for student ambassador in my school, and I didn't believe from the first time that I'll win. But I was thrilled because some friends of mine were very supportive. I rarely speak to them, but they were encouraging me. When I prayed, I pray so I won't be too let down if I didn't win. And that's the belief I held.

And that's what I got. I didn't feel let down. I felt a bit pissed because of the political system, but hey, who's to blame? It's business and remember, the personal is political? The directors should change their sex since they're doing it in a girly manner. However, again, who's to blame. Yet, it wasn't there at the first place for me to 'feel' it. Therefore, it will never be there. Not mine.

Today is Kutu's 23rd. And I feel mightily sad.

Another mightily sad story, Husky will take off in a few weeks. I don't know how hard it is for him, since all he have is here, in Singapore. But whatever it is, he's starting a new life. But me. Much that I hate Singapore (Yes I do. Seriously - we're living in an ant-hole inside a transparent plastic container. Cramped, damped and wherever we go, we'll bump to other people), I love the people I have in contact with. I love the people that I can only find in Singapore, when I'm in Singapore. Including the cocky people who're so proud to be 'atas' Singaporean that will make you bored with their economic commodity speech.

But my friends.

Ah, I didn't care that much anyway. As Doris Day once said, Que Sera Sera.

And I want to have faith again. Believe again. Being positive about something again. For the first time in my life I feel like I'm on a ship and it is rocking mad. I want to go. I want it to go.

When they say love is blind. This is why. Love is not blind, but relationships will make you blind. Relationship with your partner, your environment, your friends, your social circle, your magazine, your ideals, your status. These are the things that make you lose yourself. And I am in the middle of this turbulence. Guess what, I don't want to care.

So there, I will lay it bare. I will stop pretending. I have nothing to lose. Hopefully, I can hear myself again. Then I could start to believe.

Jesus man, thank you for waking me up.



Sunday, September 14, 2008
So Long Dear
Thinking of having around 2 more months with my friends saddened me, especially after reading QQ's last will. Crazy masscommers. Where would I meet such people again?

Anyway, just had a long (yea, around 4 hrs) girl talk with Wed, D, Kutu and Tes. Tes is stuck in a ten year relationship, with no passion (sex souunds like a nightmare) and 'used' to being loved. Her defense on not breaking up rely solely on her fright of being single after soo long. I could relate to it to some degree, but I'm not the one to speak.

It's sad. The last thing I want before I die is to die a virgin. It's just so... miserable. And naive in a way. Hm, maybe because I'm a post-Mtv product. Anyway.

The hardest thing to leave now, if I have to choose, is my roomie. I'll doubt I'll find a better roomie.

I love you my roomie.



Thursday, September 11, 2008
HORRAY HOORAY HOORAY!!! Confetti and balloons pleaseee!!!

Assignments done, PURREETTTY proud of my feminism paper. Not because of the work, but because of the knowledge gained.

Anwyaynywaynyway, HOLIDAY yes! Tomorrow, I might part with my only chance to change my lappie. Not only that, alas my only chance to have faith in the school system. I believe whatever verdict put on me was based on political and economical judgement - which translates in pop culture as 'King'. So yeah. I think I'm pretty hopeless. It surprises me that people actually vote for me. I mean. Yeah... you know, kinda sad that my friends don't really care. But can't blame them also, the campaign is lame.


C pointed out that my typing with capital letters are simply disturbing. And I agree. But I'm simply spastic now. So I stress, hey I'm a true-blue sanguine!

PS: I love my new cg friends. They're fun!! I'm actually looking forward for next Thursday :D:D

I met Jo and QQ and Mondie without the irritating fella and without him, I LOVE THEM and REALIZE how much I miss them!! XX



Friday, September 5, 2008
How easily I get distracted
WHY am I born with this short attention span. Le sigh. I've been picking my brain and books and digging my heart and grave to finish my paper but damn, I get easily distracted!

- Husky
- Food
- Make tea. Yes, too much coffee. Oh it's Cannonball! Reminds me of Secret Garden. Wonder how my bosses are doing and man I love that place!
- Should I cut the article now?
- No, I should definitely finish my essay first.
- OK no, finish my second part first.
- Le sigh le sigh le sigh
- Researching on blogs, so log in to blogger. Should I use my own blog as an example? Sigh sigh sigh.
- I want to cut my hair
- I want a run
- I want a dog to run with
- Or a man for that matter... hmm...


See? GRRR! Slaps self.




Even when I'm a mess, I still put on a vest, with an S on my chest

YEAH. This song rocks!!



Pop sucker
I'm in love with this song.

Just Stand Up - Various Artists

Also listening to Madcon's Beggin'.

