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Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Script - The man who can't be moved

GQ September. Yummy.

My favorite guilty pleasure soapie is being done by Koreans too...

Not a fan!!!! I mean, look at Lonely Boy! He's so......... geeky.

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A Coffee addict, thanks to Mom and Husky. Normally I drink Nescafe or Davidoff. Today I'm bored, I got two free packets of local coffee "goldroast" for buying Sunshine bread and the coffee taste like coal. SUPERBAD. Yuck.

Anyway. Jo called and told me about our new lecturer. I already have a stereotype for her name. But I thought I must be wrong. But apparently I was right. She's an ostentatious bitch :)

I miss miss Ishouldntmentionnames :( We had a class farewell a few days ago because she's focusing on her masters..



Been using this to my friends..

D's friend will be giving out retriever puppies. And Renee's friend is giving out a kitten. Which one should we adopt? Either or neither?

PS: I think I spent at least 150 this month for cabbing. HMMMMMMM... Something is somehow wrong somewhere...



Sing O, Barren!
Please don't read the next lines if you're not up to something as personal as religion.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Galatians 6:9

I believe that Jesus guides me through every day of my life. These few weeks I've been away from him. Today I was really, really down, and he consoled me.

It was a rough day. Deadlines all cluttered, post-credit trauma rises up, the fact that I only got forty cents left for today, the fact that the exco members were as motionless as pieces of clay (They should've said something encouraging, but they didn't), the fact that I EXPECTED H to call me up AT LEAST to show his interest in whatever he said yesterday. The fact that Mona brought up NUS law department, the fact that I actually starting to believe that I COULD get into it. THe fact that the LameHorse didn't turn up today (I'm the kind that need a closure to everything). The fact that Mom called this morning. The fact that the new members aren't what I expect them to be. The fact that everything went so wrong today, I wanted to rip myself open, cry like hell and discontinue everything I'm doing and just drop it. Drop it because I suck at it. And everything else fails me.

I believe, there is no kinder love than the one life is giving you. I patched up so badly after the meeting, I wasn't that happy to meet Husky. But I met him and he made me laugh. And I thought, ok, that's it, that's the only portion of fun I deserved. And I should go home and start on my essay.

But no. I didn't want him to send me home because something was telling me that I'm about to do something. I thought something was my essay. I believe in the voice within. Intuition. And my intuition has never failed me before. So I ride home alone.

At home, I knew that there will be my housemate's cellgroup. I didn't know why, it was very unlikely, but I joined. And the leader taught us, "Bring up your experience as high as your faith. Don't bring down your faith to the level of your experience." Or something like that.

There is five stages to a harvest: Dream, Decision, Delay, Dead End and Deliverance. I think I'm still on delay now. The worst still yet to come. I've ranted before that life is so unfair because I'm still so young, yet I can foresee how much work will I be doing in the future because of the circumstances. I ranted to my dad. And I asked effing why.

I could choose to be an ignorant and pass everything, then spend my father money (he will give it anyway because of guilt) for the sake just to get a degree and I COULD have fun. I could spend time beautifying myself, travel, read up on things that I really like, don't care whether I'll earn much or not. Why didn't I just do it?


I want to do it badly. I still want to do it.

But everytime I chose to abandon my responsibilities, the Right comes and I know, the only reason I won't be doing it because I'm on denial. And delay is not denial.

Although I'm not any better, but I'm sick of people who think that they could do everything without other people's help. So please, go ahead. I'll resign. And what does one commendation do to my lifelong story? ZILCH. I have nothing to prove to you, but I have future ahead and my cert will prove me more than your commendation can do to me.

So yeah. I found my focus back. And I found what I should do to keep up with my focus. Stay strong.

There is a quote that never rubs off, at least for me: mens sana in corpore sano. The real translation is A strong mind in a strong body. But it sounds like "man's sense in a sane corp". Man here, refers to Homo Sapien. As in human. And corp, is your physical body.

And I hope. There will come a day, where me and my friends would gather again at TCC, talking randomly at ugly people and what are they wearing. Guys, I miss you all.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Scam? Or not?
Earn Cash By Submitting Your “Braveheart - Piano Solo” Video For A Market Research Study

My name is Greg Shanken and I’m contacting you to give you $125.00 if your “Braveheart - Piano Solo” video qualifies for our market research study.

We’re doing market research on how online videos have affected the Music industry. Part of our research is collecting Piano videos. We look at hundreds of videos every day and may want to use your video in our research.

If your video qualifies, we need full access to the video through your account, so we’re willing to give you $125.00 to transfer the account to us (it takes about 5 minutes).

That’s it – it’s very simple…

We give you $125.00 through PayPal and you transfer the account to us. We’ll pay you half up front and the other half after the transfer – and we do it in real-time during a chat/IM session - so you get paid immediately.

If you’re interested or have any questions please let us know. You can also feel free to contact me by phone (917-620-5318) or Skype (gshanken).



P.S. We only need 3 more Piano videos, and this same offer is going to 50+ other YouTube users with Piano videos, so I encourage you to reply quickly if you are interested. All videos will be selected by August 3, 2008.

You can reply to this message by visiting your inbox.
© 2008 YouTube, LLC



Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Serious dose of joke!

Happy (early) birthday to moi!
I've gotten 4 cards already! SingPost is fast...



some people
are just EFFING STUPID. So stupid that they surpassed the effing moron category. They don't even smart enough to fit in the effing idiot category. I was so effing angry I don't know what the eff should I say.

I mean: Double you tea elf???



Monday, July 28, 2008
my chinese is bad
In the cab with QQ. Saw a mini cooper. I am improving my bad Chinese.

Moi: "Wo yao mini cooper!" (I want mini cooper)

Him: "Then?"

Moi: "Mai gei wo!" (Buy for me)

Him: "Siapa elo?" (Who are you in indonesian)

Moi: "Wo shi ni de lao niang ma!"

Him: "LOL. Do you even know what lao niang mean?"

Moi: "Wife?"

Him: "LLLLLOOOOLLLLLL. OMG Le, Lao niang means mom!"

Moi: "*ashamed* What is wife then?"

Him: "Lao poh!!"

Yes I am a Chinese. I finally get it. A Chinese who cannot speak Chinese is like an Indian who cannot speak Tamil. Or a Malay who cannot speak Malay. How weird is that? But relax, I understand Chinese. I just cannot speak properly. Why? The fact that I have a Cantonese speaking parents and Hokkien speaking mother and Japanese learning self certainly doesn't help improving my Chinese.

PS: Jiu cien jiu ba jiu se jiu kuai jiu mao jiu. Hehe...



Sunday, July 27, 2008
I'm sick
Officially sick. It's painful to breathe. Air seems to hurt my throat even more. But I'm better than last night, where I sneezed in a speed of 30 per minute and fluid ran down my nose in complete dispensary. Not the thick kind of fluid, the watery kind that you need to push tampons up to your nostrils. Now I understand why some women chose tampon over pads. They serve multifunction.

Anyway, missing a lecture today. It seems like a huge deal for me.



Another Day

by Jamie Lidell



My Nike
This is a Nike Air triathlon. I think it's from 2005 or 2006. I rarely used this to hit the road when I'm in Jakarta, I used this only to hit the treadmill at Gym. However, since I only had one pair of shoes when I came to Singapore, I use this regularly. I have another Reebok, but this is irreplaceable (I heard the Nike Vomero+2 is good as well. But ugly! I might want to replace it with Nike Shox.. Hmm..)

You can see the front bit is wearing out..

On zoom:

The sides got it the worst..

The sole...

Bad, yes?



I'm having influenza. Upon this, Husky said, "You shouldn't have gone run just now."

Which reminds me, Husky doesn't like me running late at night, for my own good. You know, a girl, at night, big city, running shorts. Things could happen.

Honestly, it wasn't a problem for me. And still is not. Husky insisted upon those things. I think I live in a quite good neighborhood. But well, things could happen, yes?

The point is, eversince we got together, ehm, almost a year ago, I haven't been really running late. Once or twice in a few months but that's it. And I'm not very happy, because even though it's better, I don't like running in the morning, where the traffic is building up and cars exhaust choke my breath. Or, if I were to avoid it, I need to wake up reeeeaaaal early in the morning, like at 6AM. I do that once in a blue moon.

So my point is, I no longer have the freedom to run at night, hence why I start running around 5 - 7 PM. And with the sunlight, I'm free to run to the stretch of the coast. Talk about running, running is "me" time.

I tried running with other people before. You see, people have different pace. My mom, for example, she jogs slowly but steadily. So she doesn't stop to catch her breath or slow down, she'll slowly build her speed. I tried running with Husky, he's a steady and slow runner as well. He injured his knee while playing soccer a few years ago, hence he doesn't have that resistance to run a long way. I tried running with EG, and she speeds off the first few minutes, and lagged behind for the rest of the route. Which bothers me, because I'll be neglecting her.

That's why I like running with my shoes the best. Not only it can accommodate my speed, it's a well known fact that when we run, we hit the ground with three times our weight, but we bounce back. My shoes allow me to bounce back without any pain on my knees. It reminds me, even if I fall, I can always bounce back.

Moral of the story: I LOVE MY NIKE. And sad that I'll need to replace it in less than (my assumption) 3 months... *wail*



Easy Way to Cry + East Coast Pictures
The weather suit this song...

By David Gray

I remembered my secondary school principal, Sir Anton. I think in a way, he'd been always disliked me. I guess because secondary school was the rebellious period? I've never been rebellious I guess. But certainly, I've never followed any rules without questioning its rationality. So I think in a way, I'm a pain for him. Me and my gang.

In our gang, our smartest girl was KR. She's everyone's favorite, smart, witty, unquestioning, subservient, pretty, crafty and athletic. (Now that I think of it, she was actually quite weird. She's not into pop culture and always tried too hard to look 'pop'. If you know what I mean. Sometimes I couldn't find a topic to talk to her).

So one day, she said her tummy hurt when she walked. I suspected that it was her appendix. I brought her to the principal to ask for a leave. Sir Anton stubbornly disallowed KR to go home. I think I crossed the boundaries there by snapping at him. He was startled for awhile before he finally gave in. We met again two years ago. We said hello. I think his ego was bruised that day. I still don't like him.

Pictures! Lately, I realized, many people are playing Kite at Bedok Jetty. Windy, eh?

East Coast. Taken on different days.

Same day. But the first twos were taken on the left hand side of the jetty, while the last twos were from the right side. I think there were some oil tanker shored, hence maybe the exhaust.

These pictures are taken with a lousy 2mpx Sony w850i Camera.

Coldplay - Viva la Vida - Beautiful Song.

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Lovers in Japan

by Coldplay



Friday, July 25, 2008
My graduation
Today is graduation. Not the black robe graduation, but... just graduation. I'll be wearing my mortar hat next year. Anyway, depressed by my previous semester result, and you know, I ought to be celebrating because I graduated last year with a very good result. So I bought myself presents to cheer myself up. I'm very self indulgent. Great that's why I'm always happy. And I'm broke by the way. Completely, yet I'm happy.

I got a Bobbi Brown buffer brush. I wanted to get a MAC 182, but it's a tad high for a beginner. Plus I'm not sure that I like MAC yet. I wanna get their Loose Mineralize foundation, but I'm leaning towards Chanel Mat Lumiere. So see how. But at the moment, a Bobbi Brown is good. I've always wanted a brush, like those professionals. But normally I just dab on loose powder and blush and ready to go.

Then I got a MAC stick moisture cover and my color (MAC virgin!) is apparently NC20.

But the happiest purchase... I've been wanting this for sooo long, but the price is pretty steep for a student like moi. Bulgari Rose Essentielle EDP. I bought the 50ml because the 100ml is still too pricey right now.

I believe in scent, you see. And this is, by far, except of course for Annick Goutal Petit Cherie, which I love, but more costly than this Bulgari (shoot me already!), the scent I love the most. I fell in love in this. Yes, I believe in romanticism. Whatever happened to dawn and twilight? Doesn't anybody notice that anymore?

Yeah. Anyway. Gotta shower and prepare. Ciao



Wednesday, July 23, 2008
from my dad
Hi, my dearest,

All men are equal. It's true! coz everyone of them gets only 24 hours a day. If you run a small firm, your personality and your capability count for being successful. If you run a big one, your leadership counts the most.

If I have a choice, I rather to be good in leadership. You know why? Among the successful men I've known, they are ralatively free, they qot people working for them, they just know how to put the best part of their men together to work for their goals. I got no receipes to become a great leader.

I advise you take time to study the Han Dynasty in China history. The founder of Han Dynasty, Liu Bang and his rival Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu was a very capable man, and Liu Bang was an underdog in their battle for the crown. Liu Bang climbed to the peak because he knew how to put his men to work. The knowledgeable, capable Xiang Yu killed himself in their battle.

If you are chaired to be a leader, think and learn how to become one. Don't blame your teammates for their incapability, YOU PUT THEM THERE, YOU SHOULD USE THE BEST PART OF THEM.

You have impressed me with your telant, spend some times on leadership.

Take care. Health counts the most.

Love you.


That was the first fatherly letter my father ever wrote. Should I withdraw my letter then? Don't I stand a chance to be justified. Or wat all just my fault? Am I just an emotionball, or individually left out?



Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Everybody's got to learn sometimes

Performance by The Korgis
originally by Beck



30 somethings and their jokes
I covered a law debate today. The forum comprises students of 20+ and mostly 30+.

Moi: "I have a few question..."

30+ guy: "What question? Am I married? I'm single."

Eh? It's super last decade!

I didn't get most of their jokes. As in, am I supposed to laugh because they were lame! Is it just apply to law students? Or a decade of age gap simply cannot be bridged? No! I get my friends and my lecturers. So THEY were lame. Plus, waddup with all acting cute? Just because I'm in converse sneakers and burger king T-shirt right! Hehehehe...

Actually it's an advantage because they sort of (especially the lady) lectured me throughout the whole interview process which made my work much easier. Then the 30+ didn't get the 40+ point and the 20+ were so GREEEENN, you can hear them CRUNCH.

Man, it's superfun being in MassComm. You have to understand the litigation processes. The debate today was ADR vs. Hearings. It wasn't the hottest debate because they were just started. It's the first open debate and I gained a lot! Maybe I should become a law student and (FINALLY) become a Lobbyist or Legal Council!


NAAAAAAHH. That dream is far away now. Supertired today. Lemme finish my article before I bed.




Monday, July 21, 2008
Batgirl go Brmm
THE DARK KNIGHT WAS SUPERDUPERGOOOOOOD. I was stunned until about 15mins after the show's over! It was REALLY good. I mean, borrowed from Jas, a 'Mind-fuck' movie. The plot are just... you don't know what to expect. I mean, you can relate to the craziness side of the Joker and you GET what he meant deep inside, when he rambles about the expected plans and the it only takes one person to do spontaneous thing to set the fire. I can't put it in a better sentence myself (Yes I know I'm rambling and I'll try to type the rest coherently but it's only because it's good and IMDB gave it 9.7! 9.7 man!)


You know what, the thing about this movie, is that you get it or you don't. If you're in to it then it's good. If you're more into the melodramatic side, then this movie is definitely a no. But it's the most classic plot that never fails to appeal, the classic good and bad. The twist is the good is not so good, the bad is not bad at all (in a sense) and the very good is actually very bad!

A LOT of product placement and NOKIA actually worked on me. I wanna buy the nokia Fox used in the movie! I wish they give me a better idea which laptop to buy (or, ehm, appeal to the laptop sponsors. I've had enough of MACs, man. If nothing shows up, I'll get myself a macbook. Yes, I'm a victim of the vicious marketing but I AM the product of generation Y and I live in postmodern era where the actual product doesn't have as much means as the strategic message!).

It's been a very long day. This morning I fell in the middle of 9AM street and man, my neighbor saw me and it was superembarassing. You know, if you see a girl in jeans and heels, you don't expect her to just stumble and fall. You expect her to do the sexy hair flip. And guess what, I fell UNGLAMOROUSLY and got up UNGLAMOROUSLY that a guy in a Jag had to mouth 'OH-MY-GOD' to me, like I haven't said enough of that! And to top it up, my hair fell to my face and I look like I'm having a very bad hangover.

But guess what, after that, I couldn't get more embarrassed that a class of evil business people on their degree didn't even give me a chill. I just thought, I've had my portion of embarrassment today, I simply couldn't be more embarrassed, so what does presenting in front of boring business people will do to me? Naaaaaaahhh.

Then went to Cathay with Jo, Jon and QQ and catch The Dark Knight. Hey! Why so serious!

Then went to Suntec to pass Husky the shirt I got him yesterday and I left my NOTES AND ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER either on the bus or at La Senza. I'm more worry about the first one. Pray that I can sleep tonight. I'm frantic! My NOTES!!!! ARGH.

PS: I love Bruce Wayne.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008
No discount pedals

You returned to your heart,
and fount it empty.
Ships are sailing away.
Yet the wind hasn't blown your sail.

You know what it's like to have a heart break
yet you've never loved.
You closed the door,
and locked the gate.
You're pushing people away,
but what you really want
is to hold them long enough,
to call them your friends.

You wonder and ponder,
where have you gone wrong,
and why aren't we sailing the same way.
You want to run,
but you don't know where to go.
And in your room,
no sun is shining.

No hand was extended,
they are holding other's.
You're lonely.
I understand.
Even though I've sailed,
you know my mobile is always on.

You must understand that I've moved on,
because I have to.
Sometimes I wonder,
is it true that the wave has come,
but you're just afraid to ride it?



ST gone nuts?
Seriously. Putting bloggers feud on the front page? YUCK. Are they that desperate for readership or what. What about Darfur? At least the Pope held more prominence. Yuckyuckyuck.

My new disturbing neighbor
I live in a four-storey landed house. No, I don't have a backyard. The neighbor, however, has a backyard right underneath my window. They had just moved in a couple of weeks ago. We wanted to be friendly, but since they were very stuck up, we decided not to.

Unlike the other neighbors who are friendly, this Singaporean couple is sibeh snotty. The other day, I was on the porch, looking for keys, while they saw moi and I was being (stupidly) friendly, I smiled. The horse face girl turned away like she just saw carmen electra bathing in a moat. Ugly ass *I growl*. On a different day, their parents were helping them moving in, I said "Hello", because I thought it was that old couple who were moving in. Out of place, because my neighborhood is full of people on their golden 20s, they looked like they are celebrating their golden anniversary. When I greeted, they were stunned. I sod it off, I thought, maybe my teeth were to bright.

Last night, the unfriendliness escalated. Regardless of the time, they threw a BBQ party, regardless that the next door neighbor has a 8month baby and it's midnight. And it was supernoisy while I WAS TRYING TO GET SOME WORK DONE UP HERE. And the snotty girl was laughing so loud, it was almost believable that Haudrosaurid ever existed and it can laugh. Somebody from paleontology should come and witness. Oops wrong. Nope. Should LISTEN. Because it was THAT loud.

Then at 2AM, I think the other neighbor was really annoyed by their party, he shouted,


Juuust right when I wanted to open my window and shout, "SHUT UP!!!!!!!"

They lower their voices for awhile, but then they laughed, SO LOUD, I turned on the volume of my Beethoven. Then the guy who shouted shouted again,


Then they died down. The stink linger.

I hate stinky people or places, so this morning, out of annoyance, I washed my cup with hot water and poured it to their BBQ pit. That is how annoyed I am.

Yes. STILL ANNOYED. Maybe instead of a pot of cactus, I'll pot them Hazel (the Chihuahua)'s potty *MENACE GRIN* as their housewarming present.

Anyway, ran for 10km today. Didn't survive the crowd. Was planning to run until siglap and the sun was shining and the sky was sparkling blue (quoted from QQ). It's such a beautiful day. Hey you lazy head. Wake up and hit the road.

By the way, my Nike is wearing out. Actually I have one other pair of running shoes, but I love this Nike so much, I use it a lot. It's the most worth the money pair of shoes I've ever bought. And never, never did I ever regret buying it. It's dying and I feel so sad, I know I can never replace it (because it cost so much, and because I'm a pitifyingly broke student plus because it's like my oldest friend slash the Retriever that I've never had). I'll post the picture. I love it so, so dearly that I don't know what to do if it suddenly die on road. I'll walk barefoot in misery home, I think.



Thursday, July 17, 2008
But! I like this!

I guess it's because 98 keeps on playing this, it's now embedded in my head.
Jonas Brothers - Burnin' up.



20KM! YES!!!!

Should I join this?



Wednesday, July 16, 2008
One of my design friends said, mass comm concerns only in public speaking and appearances, images etc.

I throw my pop culture text book and even though it has Madonna written in it, she responded,

"What the hell is this?"

It is not about lip service, if I want to learn how to speak, I go to language center, not mass comm.

I've been reading up academic stuff with a feeling that it's a part of daily chore. Why? Cool and fun as my lecturer is (no, seriously, love her), I can't help but feeling that I don't have to cultivate my mind. She's been spoon feeding us, I don't feel the challenge or the passion to do something more. Moreoever, she never asks us what we know or what we think (sometimes, I'm itched because what she said could've been expanded to a broader sense and I just want a justification). O brother, why bother.

Crazy as it sounds, I love studying. If I could be a student for my entire lifetime, I would. I have an innate hunger for knowledge and culture.

Anyway, if the passion is not there, everything becomes a chore. I'm learning Marxism by the way, I've been reading about that since primary 6. Maybe I'm just bored...

But you see, Socrates doctored that the most important thing in life is not to find the answers, but to never stop asking. Hence just one question, how do you feed the mind, when nobody could answer every question but the questions keep on streaming in? Does the need of satisfaction is a materialistic gratification, or is it simply human nature?



No seriously. I'm so tired that I'm still in my jeans after cabbed home an hour ago.

By the way, I had a major fight with Husky two days ago. It started off silly, me being a pain in the neck which he will usually manja me. But he wasn't in the niceman mood. He scolded me for being rude.

Of all things, I'm the most hurt when I'm scolded and he knows that. But he said, if I'm wrong, I deserved to be scolded. And he said, if he's wrong, I scold him. So why can't he scold me?

You know, I'm trapped in this whole feminist thing. You see, men and I don't really have that codependent. I'm on my feet and I tease because I can, not because I'm so lonely I need cherries and strawberries in my life. And I put up these barriers to separate anyone to enter my deepest chambre. But after series of 'Let's not go on's, Husky is by far the most persistent one.

His principal is very simple really, and naive, may I say, he loves me and that's all. See? Silly? Yes!! Threateningly heartbreakingly silly but I've never met anyone like him before. And he taught me how to love and I learned. And that's how he can hurt me.

Gandhi once said, 'Nobody can hurt me without my permission'. And I am hurt because I permit myself to be hurt. And it's not his fault, right?

But you see, I've never deliberately done anything to hurt him. Yet this is the thing he knows I despise the most, yet he still did it. So I'm hurt. Even if it was caused by my insensitivity.

He was angry, by the way, it was the second time he's angry at me. Yesterday, he was trying to put on these bluffs, but being an anal that I am, I need to rub in. He said this to me, "It was your fault and you want me to be nice and apologize to you? At least I tried to bluff, what did you do?"

I didn't reject his calls and didn't abandon his SMSes.

"I asked you how was your day and you didn't reject my calls?"

It was a big thing for me okay! I'm slow in recovery!

I admit that I am spoiled. So yesterday, I fell asleep thinking of 'Blackpepper chicken..' because he likes blackpepper and he likes chicken. So this morning I woke up 8Am, have my morning jog and bought the ingredients, then cook. I brought it to his place after my class.

Do I feel stupid? Excruciatingly. Am I happy? Extremely.

Oh class, I was supposed to make this very inspiring speech but my face froze because of the air con. That was the first time I heard someone says, "You can't sell." And I hate Nom for rubbing in, "Yeah I agree."

Yeah man. Do better. If you're that hungry, that cold, have to pee and shivering your knuckles off its joints.

Then I went home, about an hour and a half ago (I type this for 30mins), KittyK and DD asked me to join them for a late dinner with Ken and Clarissa. I would love to! If only I don't feel like a corpse.



Monday, July 14, 2008
Teenage Rant
Today Jo got her D60 and I'm very happy for her! She's one of the most photo-savvy people I know. If I hadn't known her, I would've guessed that she's a pop art student.

But you know, even though I'm happy for her, I can't help but feeling a bit jealous. I'm not into camera, so not jealous about her camera. But I'm jealous because it was her mom who bought her the camera.

You see, my first camera was bought by my own money. All things I own are bought by me. I got the money from my parents, true, but money is not the same with affection.

I'm sad, because even though I always manage to buy the things I wanted, it's always me who gave me the best present. But you know, sometimes I just wished for once my parents would give me the present that I want, nicely wrapped, not just cold cash in my account. I've never had the wow-Mom/Dad-this-is-what-i've-always-wanted! moment. In fact, to think of it, it's always had been me alone.

I signed up for school, bank account, buy things I want, remind my parents of my and siblings birthdays, sign up for courses, decide with path to go. It's always have been me and my decisions alone.

It's a good thing of course, since my parents are very liberal (or ignorant, makes no difference). But comparing myself and my friends (which I'm not supposed to do), I'm just sad.

I guess, you see, since I don't have that affectionate parents, all I'm looking up for is Husky. But he disappointed me by didn't manage to get the DCfC ticket. Which is ironic, because if I had been rational, I would've had gotten the ticket myself and won't feel sad like this.

Don't get me wrong. I'm very grateful for my life. I have pretty much what I want in life and grateful that I'm grateful for it. And I don't wished to be born in another normal family. Dysfunctional as it is, I turned out fine. But man, why do I have to do everything myself? I think I'm quite good.

I swear upon all my thongs, I will not take care of anything for anyone who doesn't regard or credit my portion equally. Life is hard as it already is, I won't make mine any harder.



Saturday, July 12, 2008
two consecutive days of business

- Woke up late, morning class
- turned up to class, screened a movie
- half the way end, 76 called to pass me MANGOES and NUTS. Which was very heavy. I wasn't prepare to receive tons of that load. I was thinking to return all my library books before I carry the things she nicely brought for me all the way from Jakarta. But no.
- Continued screening.
- Finished class, cabbed home.
- Dilly dally, changed to bikini
- Swam
- Went home, rinsed
- Cut hair (the water pipe broke down, they didn't wash my hair! But they did, however, give me generous discount. Which is not the same!)
- Washed hair.
- Cabbed late to editorial meeting.
- Went to library return books, borrowed Michael Mandelbaum's book.
- Eat prata sausage wrap at Bugis
- Walked to Suntec, settled down at Gloria Jeans with Irish nuts espresso, waited for Husky to finish work.


a sentence: MRT was full of foul smelling people. Had to drop and switched train, which was full of people. But better smelling. Although still not pleasing to the nose. But what can you expect? Bus was full with people as well! Runny nose. Headache. Caught the air show today though.



Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Konstantin Scherbakov
I was choked by the necklace of my own fascination, attending the last piece of Scherbakov's performance of the Choral Symphony. A work of orchestra by Beethoven, reworked by Liszt. It was the piece that made me purchased the ticket.

The last piece was truly stunning.

I learn to love Shostakovich. Especially his Prelude & Fugue Opus 87, N.24 in D Minor.

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Call for the Dead
John Le Carre:
Copyright 1961, le Carre Productions
London: Hodder and Stoughton

13 -
Conveniently too, his appearance had somehow altered, for Smiley had discovered in himself a talent for the part which went beyond the rudimentary change to his hair and the addition of a small mustache. For four years he had played the part, traveling back and forth Switzerland, Germany and Sweden. He had never guessed it was possible to be frightened for so long. He developed a nervous irritation in his left eye which remained with him fifteen years later; the strain etched lines on his fleshy cheeks and brow. He learnt what it was never to sleep, never to relax, to feel at any time of day or night the restless beating of his own heart, to know the extremes of solitude and self-pity, the sudden unreasoning desire for a woman, for drink, for excercise, for any drug to take away the tension of his life.

15 -
They liked his diffidence when he apologized for the company he kept, his insincerity when he defended the vagaries of his subordinates, his flexibility when formulating new commitments. Nor did he let go the advantages of a cloak and dagger man malgre lui, wearing the cloak for his masters and preserving the dagger for his servants. Ostensibly, his position was an odd one. He was not the nominal Head of Service, but the Ministers' Adviser on Intelligence, and Steed-Asprey had described him for all time as Head Eunuch.

28 -
The mind becomes separated from the body; it thinks without reality, rules a paper kingdom and devises without emotion the ruin of its paper victims. But sometimes the division between your world and and ours is incomplete; the files grow heads and arms and legs and that's a terrible moment, isn't it? The names have families as well as records and human motives to explain the sad little dossiers and their make-believe sins. When that happens I am sorry for you.

44 -
What did Hesse write? 'Strange to wander in the midst, each is alone. No tree knows his neighbour. Each is alone.'

46 -
He sees his career in ruins, his life has no meaning. Is it not conceivable that he should wish, in a moment of weakness or irresolution, to hear another human voice, feel again the warmth of human contact before he dies? Fanciful, sentimental, perhaps; but not improbable in a man so overwrought, so obsessed that he takes his own life.

70 -
So the problem of dying once more became an academic one - a debt he would postpone until he was rich and could pay in his own way. It was a luxurious feeling, almost of purity. His mind was wonderfully lucid, ranging like Prometheus over his whole world; where had he heard that: 'the mind becomes separated from the body, rules a paper kingdom...'? He was bored by the light above him, and wished there was more to look at. He was bored by the grapes, the smell of honeycomb and flowers, the chocolates. He wanted books, and literary journals; how could he keep up with his reading if they gave him no books? There was so little research done on his period as it was, so little creative criticism on the seventeenth century.

99 -
Dieter had a theory that was pure Faust. Thought alone was valueless. You must act for thought to become effective. He used to say that the greatest mistake man ever made was to distinguish between the mind and the body: an order does not exist if it is not obeyed. He used to quote Kleist a great deal: "if all eyes were made of green glass, and if all that seems white was really green, who would be the wiser?"

105 - (The most epic page of the book)
What dream did they leave me? I dreamt of long golden hair and they shaved my head, I dreamt of a beautiful body and they broke it with hunger. I have seen what human beings are, how could I believe in a formula for human beings? I said to him, oh I said to him a thousand times: "Only make no laws, no fine theories, no judgments, and the people may love, but give them one theory, let them invent one slogan, and the game begins again."



Friday, July 4, 2008
Hello Sunshine!
No, no, it's raining heavily. However, watashi wa shiawase desu! Yes I've been learning Japanese. Anyway, my dear friend 76 is here and brought me this VERY EXTREMELY DELICIOUS NO OTHER KIND IN THE WORLD BANANA FRITTER SNACK we call PISANG GORENG KEPOK branded ANEKA with CHOCOLATE flavour that is going to keep me fat and happy for the rest of the singular pack. Which is very sad because it's only ONE pack. I'm sad! It's superduperextremeseriously delicious. Indonesia has the best food, non? Oui, oui.

I was happy these few days. I bought this Chopin collection and have been listening to it. As I am now, under the rain. And I've been writing again. And I played Luge with 76 yesterday! What fun. Miss it!

And I have a date tonight with a perfect summerdress. Husky said it doesn't look nice because too much of skin.

Moi: "Then. Do I look nice?"
Him: "Yes."

So I'm wearing it! Besides, what's the point of having summer if one cannot show one's fabulous tan (Which moi have none because of my superfair skin that refuses to tan!).

Then I watched Wanted. Which left me hanging at the end. Watch it for the action though. It's not a very good movie, I'd say. But definitely awesome Angelina Jolie! I'd like to fire a gun like that!

QQ is coming back today and school starts monday! So fast? Bbbb..bbbut I haven't got enough rest, yet!

I want to watch Hancock!

Random, but the food that I like is weird. I normally cook pasta at home because it's the easiest. But I love, love, LOVE, poached broccoli, carrot and egg tofu with oyster sauce. I cannot think of other food that can substitute the simplicity and delicacy. Oh, other than broccoli and scallop, I think? I looove scallop! And black pepper crab! Excuse me! Need to eat ASAP!

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