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Friday, July 31, 2009
More good times coming

We're having a mightily great fun at Bali. We wake up late, enjoy Indonesian very late breakfast, have coffee and desserts, lanes strolling, culture shopping, seeking places tourists won't go (failed), sat on places where we can make fun of those Poppies Australians. When dawn falls, we watch rock bands with Bintang on hands. Drink until we're halfway drunk, go back and repeat.

Recipe for good life.

Monday, July 27, 2009
I am. Very. Tired.

1. I just moved again.
2. My landlord is an 'energy vampire'. Talking to her wore me out.
3. I slept the 10 hours of my 14 hours flight to Taipei. It wasn't pleasant. Although I must admit, I was surprised that China Airlines experience is better than Singapore Airlines. SInce Singapore Airlines stop their service to Vancouver, I've been finding alternatives. One is Cathay, but it was very expensive on the return fare. JAL was unavailable everywhere. So China Airlines comes to the rescue. And I loved it. The staffs are friendlier, very quick to respond. The plane is clean and not too crowded. Food was not bad, on a par with SQ's economy class.
4. When finals were over, KK, Martin and I went to the Casino twice in a day. Say Gamblers? I love the place! And in between the casinos, we went to Deer Lake to play pedal boat. THere was nobody in the lake. Only a few people. The sun was friendly. The houses by the lake, DANG were they beautiful! I wish my dumbass degraded phone can post pictures.
5. I think I'm lethargic because of overeating. I've always been a once-in-a-day meal kind of person. I snack a lot, but seldom really eat. So these few days I've been spending my time with my grandparents who always ordered me for second bowl of rice. And guilty here, my auntie and uncle know good restaurants!!

I want some sleep...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
How do you hurt other person?
Take away their money?
Scold them?
Do you hate them?
Do you insult them to their face?
Do you wish they're dead?
Talk about them behind their back?
Plot against them?
How do you hurt other person?
How do you hurt me?
Do I hate.
Do I throw tantrum?
Do I pride myself being intelligent.
Do I pride myself being kind?
Do I mimic the other person.
Do I forget about the spirit?

Love, joy,

Sunday, July 19, 2009
21 Guns

Little did I know that dollshot can be read as dolls hot. What the? So gay!
But that's what people here referring it to.

Dollshot is one word. It came up to me because I find guns are cool. Yeah I'm tough like that. Boo ya.
And doll came from... Pussycatdolls? I was random and I found dollshot is actually nice to pronounce.
Like, shoot the doll. Affirmative, doll shot. Yeah I played counter strike too. Anyways, it's much better than dollgun.

After I realized how cheesy I was, I have used dollshot one too many times.

I listened too much of white stripes today!

Actually I have a major paper to revise. But my eyes are tired of reading them. I can hear myself reading them. They are haunting me! I only have 12 hours to finish them. Now I know how it feels like Alice. So far I thought Mr. Carroll drank too much of absinthe while writing Alice. A few days ago, we boogeyed in the cruise. It makes me miss Singapore even more!
Now that I'm only one week away from going back, I can't wait! :D

After hardcore studying today (finals next week! It's Saturrrday!) KK and I felt the urge to eat.
We had a mouthful of wasabi for dessert. The wasabi follows the spicy tuna roll that still had me dizzy.
BUt I think I cried because I laughed so hard. And for all the wishes and cheers we made while we eat it?
We wanted to vomit it out because it was actually disgusting. But I'm going to remember this moment!
And you know what?

There is one particular person that I want to vomit it out to.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Mark this date.
Ginn! says: (12:42:38 AM)
dad I hate rich people
John Lin says: (12:42:52 AM)
i am going to be rich...
John Lin says: (12:42:56 AM)
you also one day
Ginn! says: (12:43:06 AM)
i'm not gonna forget my root
Ginn! says: (12:43:16 AM)
I'm not gonna think of myself first
John Lin says: (12:43:17 AM)
she is not forgetting hers
John Lin says: (12:43:38 AM)
she only forgets you

Today my instructor tells me not to go into politics and go to english instead.
My dad told me to be someone who stands on my feet and do whatever I enjoy.

Sutini Goh says: 人生段段,所以要活得快快乐乐。 世界上最珍贵的东西不是金钱,是时间。 时间就是希望。所以要好好把我握时间

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm homesick so homesick that I can actually be sick.
Mango, salmon hotplate at pepper lunch, ebi rice burger...

Sunday, July 12, 2009
For the cruise
For the holiday
For the exams to be finished
For the paper to be marked
For the newspaper to be printed

I'm waiting in anticipation.
I'm waiting in agitations.
I'm waiting.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
I thought they were made for each other. When I knew them, they were match made in heaven.
When I heard they broke up, I cried.

Why can't they have a happy ending?

Anyway, The Little Nyonya has got to be one of the best drama in the world. The story is unlikely, but it teaches us what is good, what is bad, what is honesty, propriety and love. I LOVE.

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Somewhere only we know

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

Okay here goes. Every month I buy around 5 magazines to feed my brain and curiosity. And life is different without cable. Off the occasional ones I'm always reading, I read Cosmo too. Which is about 6 bucks and according to KK (and I find it amusing), only 2 bucks of it contains non-sex related matters - hence worth reading.

I haven't been critical at all reading these lifestyle magazines. I'm not bothered when they objectify women because hey, so what? And when they are putting fuller figure women on their spread, I'm cheering with the crowd. But this month's UK Cosmo really bothers me because of pages and pages and pages of their spread, they are telling us directly how to behave! What they think we're that clueless? Hello? When these magazines tell us how to get the perfect body, it doesn't bother us because I know you can't expect that from everyone. But now they have got sets of rules for us to trim our attitude? Yaiks. Talk about robotic!

Okay hold on, I'm gonna gain my healthy appetite. What? No, Cosmo told me so!


You spent half of your life trying to fall behind
You’re using your headphones to drown out your mind
It was so easy, and the words so sweet
You can’t remember
You try to move your feet

It’s like forgetting the words to your favorite song
You can’t believe it
You were always singing along
It was so easy and the words so sweet

You can’t remember
You try to move your feet

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Eat with Moderation
Hello folks. One of my friends, on the rare chance of encountering me lingering around MSN ask me a funny question. On that note, I said rare because of the time difference and such and such. Oh the funny question was, WTF happened to your facebook? Ya ya, I thought people don't care! And he uttered that I changed my profile pic once a decade (my facebook account haven't even had her fifth birthday yet!) and is practically dead.

Well in my defense, I'm a fairly easily bored person. So Facebook has lost its charm on me. I logged in only when I received messages and rarely do FaceWalk. And in case you're wondering, the last three activities on my Facebook has been playing with Barn farm something (put weeds on QQ's farm - And I can't even be arsed to care about my farm anymore), receiving an article from a girl who doesn't know my e-mail address and misplaced the paper's e-mail address, and chatting with a painter who thanked me for what I wrote and doesn't know my e-mail address.

Everything on the net bores me ultimately. Maybe not blogger. Because it's a space where I can bitch. And nothing beats bitching. I've found some bitches to bitch these days hence why I haven't been blogging. I'm so simple!

Anyways, on a serious note, I'm pleading my father to let me go back. But he hasn't allowed me to. I'm thinking that he has a hidden agenda to force me stay and chat up with my paternal family. Which I'd love to but I'm homesick like a cold puppy.

Yesterday I had the most amazing dim-sum. Hey you guys, when you guys come, I'll bring you to eat FOOD THAT'S SO GOOD that you wish you're born in Canada. No I lied. Nothing beats Indonesian food.

Oh yesterday also, I met these couple, the guy is more girly than the girl and the girl is more manly than the guy. Yes, in all senses! They even tickled my olfactory system. I understand one transgender in a relationship. But two? Isn't it the same with straight relationship, only that they're not so straight. I mean, they're straight when you look at it, but it's not really valid since they are not. And I shouldn't be categorizing them as straight or not because it's the person right? But I'm so bugged that I can't put my fingers on it. It's like, gay, gay, straight straight, pick a side. Husky understands them pretty well. He has no trouble at all in comprehending what I'm talking about. KK lectured me about it. I still don't get it.

#2. I love Mac Style Warrior! It's awesome. Esp. Tribalist brought me back to the time of the Nomads of the North and Warlords.



1. The Art of War - Sun Tzu
2. DiorShow Blackout Mascara
3. A return ticket to Bali