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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
When they say you're crazy. Say, "I'm NOT. I'm a postmodernist."

Monday, March 30, 2009
I drink herbal tea through cocktail straw

aaaahhh... Finals coming up. I'm dead. Anyway, on sunday, Kk, I and Ren went to stanley park. They picked me up after my volunteer at vcec. we went to denman to have some japanese food. They ren drove us to seawalk.

He stopped on a bridge overlooking lion's gate bridge and there we screamed on top of our lungs, "i wanna gooooo toooo ubc!!!!!"

Away man, growing up shocks.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'm just in love with them. Never since I have the Radiohead and Pearl Jam fever.

Yay to curves
Say helloooo to curves. I'm grabbing my icecream tub and church's spicy chicken now.

Although her lyrics don't make any sense, I like her look.

As a journalist in training, I try my best to avoid cliches. But hey, I'm looking forward to the next Lindas, Claudias, Christys (LOVE HER) and Naomis to take the runway. Come on, those pedophiliac fetish has to wear off sooner or later.

Although not everyone will have J.Lo's famous butt, at least we're allowed to have a little meat on the thigh. Karolina, don't beat yourself up just yet.

Frankly, living with all these long legs caucasians have a higher pressure. Everyone is tall and their legs go on forever. And OMG the magazines and TV here are crazy about weight management and eating healthy. I don't really care about the scale as much as I care about proportion. But lately, winter fat has been piling up. Thanks to the chill weather, I've been neglecting the track. I don't know what I'm really trying to say, afterall I'm still asleep, I'm just hoping that all these media frenzy over WOMEN'S weight, shape and eating habit would stop. Please pan your lens to something more worthwhile, such as how to write a killer university application essay. Or you know, how do you talk to your landlord that you didn't really mean "OKAY" when they mentioned babies, but you have no power to say "NO", and now you're stuck with a contract to stay put until August.

Or the best of all, how to get richer as you buy more things. I WANT TO SEE THAT ON TV. I SWEAR IF VOGUE FEATURES THAT, I'LL SUBSCRIBE 24MONTHS CASH!!

Friday, March 27, 2009
You gotta thank Him
In many aspects of life, I count myself to be very blessed. I was blessed to have nothing blocking my way yesterday, weeks ago, years before that. And I took it for granted. Now, every little thing, I whine in my prayers.

Today, I'm in my pajama (literally) and sweatpants, in library sending out files because internet at my place sucks. And life is not perfect. But the cherry trees in front of my windows disagree, even in a withering cold winter. And spring sees them bloom. I don't think they whine.

When they say God is good, you bet it's true. We're just cocky sometimes.

I stop talking about myself.
I stop talking about myself.
Because the time doesn't tick for me.
Because your life doesn't stop for me.

I stop talking about myself.
Because I am what you see.
What I do in my journey.

I stop talking about myself,
because I don't care if you care,
because I don't care about you.

I'm freaking tired. Yesterday, we did gym decoration for award night until 7PM followed up by massive gossip with KK, Mo and Hotpants. We bitched until 9PM. Reached home 11PM, work and study until 3AM. Sleep, wake up at 6AM.

Reached campus at 8AM, did decorations (climbing up and down to the ceiling to hang stuff, about 23ft height, the boys are pussies!) until 10AM. Class 10AM until 12PM. 12PM - 12.30PM Oral test for french (Vous desirez?). 12.50 - 14.20 Econ, 14.20 - 16.00 Micro. 16.00 - 18.000: practice music, do articles, editings, trying to scoop up who won the award, change, do hair and make up. 18.00 - 20.00: running back and forth comp lab and gym to try finish editing and in between my performances. Trying not to miss the dinner buffet. 20.00 - 21.30: Finish up my headline, finished articles, layouts, etc. Went home with KK who nicely waited for me, dropped at Broadway to get some drinks. Reached home 23.00, do minor brush up, final fact checks. 1 AM, sending final PDF to the boss.

Boss: "I swear so many times today!"

Moi: "It's okay, in newsroom you're my colleague."


I'm so relieved I have a day off tomorrow.

Monday, March 23, 2009
After Tonight

Justin Nozuka

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I think this girl's shoes is mightily creative! :D

English Bay..


Yesterday, we went along robson to finally meet Vera's Burger and I tell you that's the best burger till date. It's just so... good. I can't even begin to describe. Anyway, then we ate cupcakes, along pendrell and turned to Beach avenue. The sun was bright and the wind was blowing. It was a bit cold but looking at the people diminishes the chill.

There was this man who sell his pencil art on the side and they were amazing! He mastered impressionism and drew the Gastown's steam clock on pencil color for two months. He sold it for 35 bucks. Most of his art work is about west end, mostly the old buildings. It was amazing.

The beach was clear, no fog. And people were running. And dogs were tapping. We sat beside the beach watching at least 10 dogs passed us by. Then we walked all the way back to Robson. I want to change perfume. Talk about perfume...

First I used Benetton's Hot, it was a gift from Mom. It was when I was a 4-grader.

Then I used Body Shop's White Musk and Vanilla. I never really liked the previous one. It's too strong. I used Body Shop's Vanilla and White Musk throughout my secondary school.

In High School, I used Issey Miyake's L'eau D'issey.

and my favorite of all, Dior Dolce Vita. Which my mom gave me prior to a party, but she takes it back when I'm going to Singapore because she says she likes it too. Cheee.

Then I use (and currently using) Bulgari Rose Essentielle.

I strongly believe that perfume reflects personality. First of all, not everyone has the same sense of scent. Second of all, perfume smelt differently on different person. Third of all, it lingers on your skin, so you must like it and it must smell like you in order to make you feel comfortable.

Because if you carry too strong a smell, you will have to adjust your personality. It will deconstruct your attitude. If you carry too sweet of a smell, you will behave girly. For example, if you smell like fresh laundry, people can tell you your personality: plain and simple. If you like citrus, you're probably a fun and easy going person. If you're a floral person like me, you're probably feminine. Classy, if you like dark floral. Woody, I can never wear that because it's too sophisticated.

Well the recent hype is MJ Daisy and Apple DKNY. I don't really like them. Too light.

Oh yeah, I'm switching. I thought of YSL Paris or Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle. I'm not too sure. The latter has a stronger personality. You know, some people use Chanel's perfume and it looked bad on them because they don't have that kind of sophistication that the scent carries.

Anyway. Going back to my date. We went back now to Granville to buy a few stuff from London Drugs, then we watched Frost/Nixon with chips and a few drink.

It's a really good show. Actually, truth be told I was never really interested in American presidents besides - naturally - Bush Jr. and Obama. I had this book of American presidents that I barely read. I bought it for the purpose of researching the Great Depression per se. Now that I know Nixon is the only president that has ever stepped down, I'm interested to know more because really, I don't think American presidents are that high in morale at all. Take a look from an outsider, or the invaded if you prefer. After reading and listening and accustomed to the suspicions that American Intelligence contributed more than once in our political chaos, I have no sympathy nor empathy to even begin the conversation without a hint of cynicism. But as the wise says, you can never win if you don't understand.

Anyways. It was a really, really good date and I'm surprised by how smooth it went!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
I had a blast. Well we did 30 Hours Famine in my Youth in Action club as a prerun for the actual thing for next semester. While doing that, we also prepare for the grad party for the highschool kids next week. Butterflies and cherryblossoms and green green grass, look slightly like kindergarten.

Around midnight, we drove off to partyworld and had a karaoke session where we sang 'My Love' as 'My Food'.

Psst I found a jumbo pack of Chips Ahoy for $4! Normally that's the price I pay for the regular pack! :)

We headed back around 3am. KK and I couldn't sleep, instead we chatted until about 6AM on the rockhard sofabed where we must abode, with RD's feet dangling from the higher sofa that forced me facing right the entire night. A good hearttoheart topic, by the way. And bitching therapy - overdued and well needed.

Breaking our famine, we ate all u can eat japanese cuisine at metro, that juicy baby octopuses and all those beef tatakis. Rand and I fought over the last oyster because we both hate oysters but it's our turn to eat. He gobbled them down with a green face.

After dropping IT to her work place, we had another bitching session. R parked his car under the train rail where we screamed and cursed. HAHA. Despite the drama preceeding the sleepover. All in all was good.

I reached home all exhausted, and treated by a great shower ;) and watched Quickie Express (I know, I know, I'm so late) with Husky.

Anyway, we're going downtown today to Vera's Burger. See you there.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
My friend Astin send me this:

Lebih dari satu dekade reformasi telah berjalan, tahun 2009 ini bangsa Indonesia akan mengadakan perhelatan pemilihan umum yang ketiga dalam alam demokrasi. Wajah demi wajah silih berganti, partai demi partai berdiri menawarkan diri dan beberapa pergi, tetapi kondisi bangsa ini belum mengalami kemajuan berarti. Pemerintahan oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat masih tetap menjadi jargon politik semata. Kata-kata rakyat pun hanya ramai diperbincangkan ketika ada hajatan pemilihan umum . Penipuan massal terhadap konstituen partai-partai politik seakan telah jamak adanya. Tidak perlu ada yang merasa heran ataupun terhenyak, karena seolah reformasi tidak pernah terjadi.

21 Mei 1998, titik tolak kemana kita harus melangkah. Pada tanggal itu, reformasi memulai gaungnya dan selalu minta untuk ditepati nazarnya. Di usianya yang cukup tua ini terdapat beberapa hal penting yang harus segera diwujudkan. Darah dan nyawa beberapa mahasiswa dalam insiden Trisakti tidak boleh dibiarkan sia-sia begitu saja, kerja keras dan tenaga dari seluruh elemen masyarakat yang berani dan vokal mempertaruhkan nyawa demi perubahan tak boleh dibuang di kolong zaman. Regim Orde Baru telah berhasil diturunkan, tetapi sungguh sifat-sifatnya yang melekat belumlah kita tanggalkan dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.

Satu dekade reformasi ternyata tidak membawa pengaruh signifikan terhadap pengurangan tingkat kemiskinan, penurunan angka pengangguran, apalagi pemberantasan korupsi. Kinerja lembaga-lembaga demokrasi masih sangat buruk, kalaupun ada kemajuan , terlalu sedikit untuk dibilang sebuah kemajuan setelah 10 tahun reformasi berjalan.

Kebijakan yang selama ini diterapkan oleh pemerintah dalam bidang ekonomi dan politik masih belum berubah dibandingkan saat regim Suharto dahulu berkuasa. Sistem pemerintahan yang dijalankan masih berupa demokrasi kapitalis oportunis, yaitu demokrasi yang tunduk kepada mereka yang memiliki modal dan kekuasaan. Maka tak heran lagi, bila dalam masa sepuluh tahun reformasi ini keadaan Indonesia masih saja sama bahkan dalam beberapa hal bertambah buruk.

Mari kita telaah beberapa tuntutan reformasi 1998 dengan fakta kontemporer :

Tuntutan pertama, pemberantasan korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme (KKN).
Indonesia masih berada pada tingkat paling bawah dari seluruh negara dunia dalam urusan 'clean government'. Hanya sedikit lebih baik dari negara-negara korup lain seperti Zimbabwe dan Birma. Bahkan dengan sepak terjang KPK yang cukup berani pun, indeks kebersihan pemerintahan kita masih terpaku pada angka 3 dari 10 nilai maksimal, naik 0,3 poin dari laporan Transparancy International sebelumnya. Rapor merah untuk bangsa Indonesia di tuntutan reformasi pertama.

Kedua, penegakan supremasi hukum.
Hukum telah terbukti sampai 2009 ini masih menjadi permainan banyak kalangan semata. Lembaga legislatif dan yudikatif telah menjadi sarang mafia. Bahkan lembaga inilah yang selama ini menghalang-halangi disahkannya hukum-hukum yang keras dan progresif terhadap kejahatan-kejahatan akut seperti korupsi dan kejahatan peradilan.

Ketiga, penghapusan dwifungsi ABRI.
Di atas kertas, dikembalikannya tentara ke barak mungkin berhasil. Tetapi melihat apa yang terjadi dalam konstelasi politik kontemporer Indonesia, kita perlu mempertanyakan itu kembali. Para calon presiden, setengah di antaranya masih dari kalangan militer. Partai-partai yang dipimpin tokoh militer masih menjadi partai-partai besar. Dan apalagi rakyat masih mempunyai utopia kembalinya tokoh-tokoh militer yang seolah-olah bisa menyelesaikan permasalahan multidimensional bangsa Indonesia. Dwi fungsi ABRI masihlah nyata di Indonesia, walaupun berubah bentuk.

Keempat, otonomi daerah.
Otonomi daerah sedikit banyak telah mulai berjalan, tetapi tentu kita tahu bahwa pengawasan jalannya otonomi itu masih sangat lemah. Otonomi daerah masih berarti otonomi korupsi, pemerataan kekuasaan malah memeratakan kesempatan untuk berbuat kejahatan kebangsaan. Otonomi harus tetap berjalan, dan terus harus diperluas, tetapi tidak hanya berhenti disitu, pengawasannya pun harus jauh lebih diperketat.

Kelima, demokratisasi kehidupan politik.
Demokrasi sendiri masih perlu dikonsolidasi, karena penerimaan rakyat atas demokrasi mempunyai kecenderungan untuk menurun kalau perilaku para wakil rakyat baik di eksekutif, legislatif, maupun yudikatif sering merugikan rakyat. Bahkan seperti sudah kita ketahui, beberapa partai besar mempunyai hidden agenda mendirikan negara Islam menggantikan demokrasi. Belum lagi kecenderungan masyarakat untuk masih tetap percaya kepada figur tentara untuk memimpin bangsa juga adalah bukti kuat bahwa konsolidasi demokrasi sipil yang dicita-citakan reformasi 1998 ternyata masih belum tercapai sampai sekarang.

Lihat saja, betapa partai-partai yang ada tidak mampu menghasilkan program-programm visioner menyejahterakan Indonesia. Reformasi dalam keadaan koma di tangan partai seperti PDI Perjuangan yang notabene lahir dan besar karena empati reformasi, yang ternyata elit-elitnya hanyalah dinasti feodal tanpa visi. Diamnya partai ini atas pelanggaran-pelanggaran HAM dan tidak tercapainya tuntutan reformasi adalah pengkhianatan, bukannya emas ataupun permata. Partai besar seperti PKS yang walaupun mengaku bersih juga korup dan oportunis walaupun dengan cara lebih halus. Partai Demokrat yang walaupun besar tetapi sangat rapuh dan tergantung pada figur, sehingga gampang dikooptasi jika figur tersebut pergi. Partai Gerindra dan Hanura yang adalah perpanjangan tangan dari regim ala Suharto yang ingin kembali dalam percaturan politik. Partai nasionalis religius yang impoten seperti PAN, PKB, dan PPP yang akhirnya pun berasyik masyuk dengan budaya korupsi kekuasaan. Belum menyebut nama Partai terbesar di Indonesia , Partai Golkar, mesin politik Orde Baru yang mati-matian kita gulingkan, tetapi ternyata tetap bercokol dengan manis sampai saat ini. Konundrum yang amat memilukan.

Selesai partai-partai besar dan menengah, partai-partai gurem pun sebagian besar hanyalah manifestasi keinginan untuk berkuasa dan berebut untuk pembagian kue korupsi.

Pemilu yang demokratis adalah syarat mutlak di sebuah negara madani, tetapi pemilu saja tidak cukup. Program-program yang ditawarkan oleh calon legislatif dan eksekutif haruslah progresif, visioner, terukur dan terlebih lagi pro rakyat. Tanpa itu semua, pemilu layaknya nasi putih tanpa lauk dan sayur. Akan membuat kita tetap hidup, tetapi kurang gizi dan cacingan.

Perlu, bahkan sangat dirasa perlu untuk membesarkan porsi golongan putih di negeri Indonesia. Dalam pemilu 2009 , paling tidak angka 35% golput, syukur-syukur bisa mencapai 50%.Dengan angka 35-50%, berarti golput menjadi golongan terbesar bangsa Indonesia, melebihi partai terbesar Indonesia yang diperkirakan maksimal akan mendapatkan 25% suara rakyat. Walaupun akhirnya partai-partai ini akan tetap berkuasa, tetapi legitimasi mereka akan kecil dan rakyat juga akan tahu bahwa mereka harus tetap selalu kritis atas kepemimpinan semua partai yang secara keseluruhan tidak mampu menarik lebih dari dua pertiga suara rakyat. Dan dalam kurun waktu setelah itu, seakan-akan partai-partai itu diberi waktu untuk merefleksikan dirinya dan akhirnya merubah diri menjadi partai yang modern dan visioner sekaligus tanggap atas kebutuhan bangsa di era globalisasi.

Dalam waktu 5 tahun, sampai tahun 2014, semoga cukup waktu dan kesempatan bagi generasi baru yang progresif untuk mengambil alih kepemimpinan nasional, apalagi sudah seharusnya ada banyak calon-calon independen yang boleh berkompetisi sehingga akan memeriahkan pesta demokrasi sekaligus mempertajam program-program visioner yang akan menyejahterakan bangsa.

Jadi, saudaraku bangsa Indonesia, mari kita golput dalam Pemilu 2009.


I concur the patriotic spirit, I concur their optimism to our country. But lest not be dismissive to our current president's milestones. Afterall, now the riches have to pay tax and public education is becoming cheaper and cheaper.

Support Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono!


Tuntutan pertama, pemberantasan korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme (KKN).
Saya rasa kamu juga tahu Indonesia ini bukan negara kecil. Dan kebanyakan orang yang main KKN itu punya peran penting dalam ekonomi politik negara kita. Kalau semuanya sekali tebang sampai ke akar-akarnya, ekonomi kita belum cukup stabil untuk menerima terjangan itu. Mari juga pikirkan gimana relasi dengan negara lain di mana para koruptor Indo adalah investor utama. Bagaimana hubungan Indo singapur kalau koruptor kita ditangkap semua? Negara tetangga kita tidak akan senang, terutama tanpa para koruptor itu Indo belumlah cukup kuat dari segi ekonomi. Jadi pikir panjang, hal-hal seperti itu butuh waktu.

Kedua, penegakan supremasi hukum.
Kembali ke masalah ekonomi. Negara kita belum cukup kuat untuk punya hukum yang stabil, katanya Indonesia ini negeri kaya. Sampai negeri kita bebas hutang punya GDP bisa menutupi anggaran-anggaran baru, saya rasa agak mustahil untuk sepenuhnya menegakkan itu. Terutama rakyat indo yang kadang komplen terhadap hal ini tapi tetap main sogok polantas kalau kena tilang. Aduh.

Ketiga, penghapusan dwifungsi ABRI.
Makanya jangan pilih Gerinda.

Keempat, otonomi daerah.
Kita sebagai pengawas luar tentu merasa perubahannya kecil. Tetapi bandingkan dengan mapres-mapres kita yang lain, tahun kepemimpinan SBY itu jelas maju banyak!

Kelima, demokratisasi kehidupan politik.
Seharusnya kalau kamu menulis ini, kamu harus sadar kalau syarat utama demokrasi adalah suara rakyat didengarkan. Apa yang mau didengarkan kalau rakyatnya bisu? Golongan Putih bukan partai karena kalaupun mereka menang, apa yang akan berubah? Empat tahun tanpa presiden? Empat tahun tanpa support pada presiden dan kamu bangga akan itu? Bukan lagi zamannya kita diam diri. Sebagai rakyat, kita harus sadar politik dan pilih yang terbaik untuk kita semua. Tidak ada partai yang sempurna. Tetapi saya setuju dengan kamu, banyak partai yang punya hidden agenda. Yang mana patut tidak kita pilih. Pilih yang sudah terbukti: partai demokrat.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Spring Brings Hope
Hi people, Love ACtually is certainly not in my english class. I leave it to you to decipher. Hint, it doesn't take a corndog scientist.

Anyway! I'm looking around and the cherry blossom trees around me are budding their pink little buds. I can't wait for spring. While it has been raining three days straight, the graduation party is inching near and I'm having my first sleepover party tomorrow.

Cook Basa fish with:
1. Olive oil & Butter
2. Dry chili
3. Oregano
4. Salt and pepper
5 and a dash of lemon
6. Garlic
7. Asparagus

Sear them on pan, taste brilliant! And pair them with a good chardonnay. My pick this month: Barefoot Chardonnay 2007 from California. It's really cheap and good. I like the subtle finish and their sweet smell.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I'm not kidding
Dear Big head,

I don't care if you're 18 or 80. If I say business I meant business. Do not insult me by accusing my action was interfered by personal issues.

Sometimes I wonder, when you see me daydreaming in class, I was thinking whether your head is filled with two working brains, or a hollow space like those beach balls. You just want to SMACK!

I wear heels that poke you.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Live with it, dad.
Dad: actually, it is because I feel I owe you a happy childhood. If I getta to make one, I want a complete family.. But it's not complete! Never mind, forget what I have said.

Le: well... If i think of it, I could have had a perfect childhood. And I won't deny sometimes I blame you and mom for not letting me to have one. But you know, I realize that that's just a fact that I have to live with. I can say one hundred good reasons why it does me good not having a happy childhood, but to be real, it saddens me even more.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sometimes I laugh myself silly reading my friends (or my own) confession about our job. You know, the part time kind, where being a relief teacher is basically the best you can get out of your temporary state of limitation?

"Well my job is FUN! It's SO MUCH WORK! But it's FUN!"

HAHA. Who am I kidding? When I was a waitress, I really did have fun when I don't have to clean the plates (Which I didn't have to) and because I worked with a supercool man inside the bar (which later become Huksy, or Aladin if you prefer).

I just read my friend's blog and she admittedly wrote that she works as a waitress and it's FUN but she has to clean plates and excuse me really, her blog title is 'Princess something-something'. And for knowing her work ethic, I'm sorry to say but she's in denial.

Now I remember another wise saying, delay is not denial. Certainly the act of delaying is not denying. Come to think of it, if I were in her shoes, in desperate need of cash and pressurized by peers, I would've done the same.

Funny thing is, I really like waiting tables. And I really don't have the shame of working as it! Furthermore, I'm too new to have a reputation to uphold and my time is too short to live up to the pressure. Well I'm sorry for her, but she did the best thing she could've done in such situation.

Anyway: "The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." according to George Bernard Shaw. Haha! SCORE!

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sad :(
My dearest roomie,

Don't be sad, I'm right here. Let's cry together over this and get it over with :(

If I emasculate myself will you go and ask yourself?
I'm dreading school these days. Not because of econ (HAHA) which I enjoyed and surprisingly earned an A for the first midterms. No, it's, let's call him mondayman. Mondayman caused me all the monday blues and wednesday pain. Why? Because I'm stuck in a team with him and although he is enrolled in a more prestigious college, he doesn't freaking know what the hell is an essay and how to build an argument. Excuse me lah for being arrogant (Alex just said that I'm not very nice because I accused L is retarded for licking acrylic paint, am I wrong?) but seriously, I don't have time to spell check his work, to find the proper references for him, build his point of arguments and basically, DO HIS WORK.

I can't consult the professor for you, MONDAYMAN. And YES I'm angry because I'M still being NICE at you after YOU WRECK OUR TEAM PRESENTATION that I and T had worked and practiced so hard for (and remember me, who you as a MAN asked to go over to your place just because you're such a puny pussy to walk under the flurry for the last presentation rehearsal??? Which, must I remind you, that I DID at the end for your sake because I and T have had all well prepared days ago????). Well you can say that you're slow for an excuse, and you have supplemental form to fill, and you have 2 essays to finish. Is that an excuse to INSTRUCT me to go and see the professor while I have no business nor do I ever wish to have any business with! Hello, my club activities alone put your so called business to shame.


Sunday, March 8, 2009
I rarely check my mailbox that I made especially for spam: my IM account, but you see some friends do send their mail to that. And today when I check it because my friend send schoolwork there, I got this chain mail:

When she acts shy - Say I Love You.
When she runs from you - Chase her.
When she puts her face near yours - Kiss her.
When she kicks and punches you - Hold her tight.
When she is silent - She's thinking of how to say I love you.
When she ignores you - She wants all your attention.
When she pulls away - Grab her by the waist and never let go.
When you see her at her worst - Tell her she's Beautiful.
When she screams at you - Tell y ou love her; But you have to mean it.
When you see her walking - Sneak up behind her and grab her by the waist.
When she's scared - Hold her and tell her everything will be okay cause she's with you.

When she looks like something is the matter - Kiss her and tell her not to worry.
When she holds your hand - Play with her fingers.
When she says she's cold - Move closer
When she walks away and looks in the distance - Walk up beside her and talk to her.
When she flirts with you - never turn her down or ignore her.
when its just you and her in the room - Ask her to stay a little longer.
Compliments, Compliments, Compliments!

I can't stop laughing.

Friday, March 6, 2009
North Van is a truly beautiful place. It is clean (cleaner than Vancouver), very near to the mountains and you can see the snowcapped mountain at an arm's length. We didn't go too far in, were just exploring the beach (there is a beach called Mosquito creek - yaiks). And I was immediately in love with Lonsdale Quay Market. It was a market that has everything: Italian deli, Fishmonger with fresh fat salmon displayed proudly, colorful bellpeppers, minimelts, Artisan wine shop, Chinese bead marts... and free fresh air! Nope, no fish smell.

We took a stroll along the beach... That's Chiba Garden, a small Japanese Garden by the sea. The back drop is the city of Vancouver

Hey, it's nice to have a park bench as your memorial plate, yeah?

"Relax, and enjoy life"

A fraction of romanticism. I always wonder when do they use Dusk and Dawn nowadays. All I see is digits.

Sailor's Point

International Water...

This is the dock that separates Mosquito Creek and Waterfront Park (where I was). And it's amazing to have a mountain that near to the bay. Call me anything but I've never seen such view before!

This is a small resting place at the jetty. The sun is setting in a few hours, and the city across the water is Vancouver.

Hello, Spring.


Short post
Je suis tres desole pour ne courir pas le weekend denier. Je suis courir maintenant.

Bonne journee :)

PS: I'm now fiddling with INDESIGN again. I thought I would never will, but hey never say never. Anyway, pictures coming up. I traveled to North Van last week.... Am quite sad that Victoria's trip canceled, but hopefully I would make it up to it.

Monday, March 2, 2009
Monthly Lusts
1. M.A.C launched the hideous Hello Kitty collection, but the line's falsies is to die for:

And it's only $14! I got my hands on the last pair in store today.

2. Oversized shirt, paired with slim cutting black jacket (body clad & figure flattering. The idea is to have a made-to-measure jacket). Minimalist color, and geometric booties/ sandal booties. Channeling the everfamous Le Smoking by YSL in 1966.

3. The new OPI line. I'm digging Miami Beet and Clubbing till Sunrise. I love the holiday 08 collection better, which I got the "Sheer" Your Toys. I bought Miami Beet, but not so sure about the second one, since it's too orangey. I prefer a more subdued color - which represents an artist soul in repression. Blah my BS skill is unpolished. I miss masscommers.

4. CALENDAR. Duh. How the hell did I end up with a trip to victoria island just 2 days before my MICROECONOMICS Final EXAM?? I'm effed up. I'm studying now.