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Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Look

Courtesy of Garance Dore.

I have a feeling that pastel & softgrey color (mellow color) & body cons and shoe boots (the oxfords, sneaker boots, booties, etc., you name it), layers and textures layers. I feel black and grey for spring. Who's mourning? Those elastic metallic leggings last season at TopShop is gonna be hot again.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A very general question
NOW, I can name one person who doesn't know the song I'll be.
Seriously. I'll beeee your cryiiinggg shouuullddderrr...

A definite freak. And a freakier thing, she's apparently my music club leader, who is unbelievable self conscious, and never want to admit her inferiority.

As hard to believe as the fact that 50cent doesn't smoke and doesn't drink, she's actually my team leader in the youth in action group. Furthermore, she's also my fellow editor. I can identify myself with her. But I can't stand when she speaks of poverty as if she's not related to it. Yes, that's true. She's speaking of it as if it doesn't touch her at all, and damned should it touch her. But come on, she's Indonesian.

PS: It's the end of February and there's a blast of arctic blaze and snow storm today. I thought spring is March!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
ex lover, new lover
i swear to never ever ever commit the fallacy of appeal to popularity ever again. The past few days were devastating because of the damned blackberry. I bought the curve. Just to understand that finally, at the end of the day, i bought what suits my need the most.

I blog through my old new e71 people. The best phone ever.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
I hate blackberry
I might love it, but not now. I WANT MY NOKIA E71 BACK!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Lost in Translation
I don't know why I pick this movie to analyze. When I first watched the movie, it was so boring I couldn't stand it.

But now, I feel the same way. I can relate to it. It's ironic really, I don't have time to sit down and enjoy these days, but really I am not awake. There are days when I feel lost.



It's fill in the blank.

There are shows that I wanna watch. There were Carmen and Rigoletto. There are wines that I want to try out. But the friends that I found, twenty one and below... stuff like that don't click.

There is this vortex of hello kitty and pots.

Or shopping. Go around mindboggling circle of noises.

I'm feeling complicated, I feel lonely but busy at the same time; big city syndrome. At least I can bitch in the depressing singapore. People are too happy here. I'm lost and need fresh air. I want to move out of this noisy place I'm staying in.

Blue morning, I wanna cry out very very loud, very very loud without anyone listening. I wanna cry for nobody, caused of nothing, I want to shed some tears for myself. Being as selfish as I could be and scream out for my existence's sake; not of self pity, but because of love. I love myself, and hurting now, let me cry for me.

Of course, no one would understand that.

PS: Buying a new blackberry today! Hehe...

Chutzpah says:
Bisikku pada bulan

Ginn! says:

Chutzpah says:
kembalikan temanku

Chutzpah says:

Chutzpah says:

Chutzpah says:
tanpa dia

Chutzpah says:
malam menemaniku

Chutzpah says:
sepi memelukku

Chutzpah says:
bulan, jangan biar siang

Chutzpah says:
biar alam ini kelam

Chutzpah says:
biar ia sepi

Chutzpah says:

From the movie Sepi
cited to moi by the Babe

Friday, February 20, 2009
When I came to Singapore, I lost my phone.
I lost my E71 today. FFFFFFFFF


News Schnews
Pros writing news:

- Once you know the angle, you know the plot.
- No necessity to exercise academia english
- Fun interviewing and digging up people's *****
- Quick process of writing


- No room for imagination
- I'm a fiction kind, so I neeeeed to plot my story. Sometimes I squeeze people to tell me what I want to pen down.
- I'm no good at building rapport. Too fabulous to do so (HEH!)
- It's awkward once you know your job is done and you don't need the interviewees anymore (HEHEHEHE).

Don't take my POV to judge all journalists because the word itself and moi don't match. I'm a bad bad bad journalist slash reporter. And kind of knew it for a long time, since I took intro to journalism in my first year in Singapore. But denied it because I thought in order to be a good writer, I must muster journalism skills. In effect, I write pieces of craps and argued with my first chief editor because she cuts down my 'flair' and 'flimsy dresses' (which would be totally acceptable in Harper's Bazaar!!). And as for intro to journalism, I didn't ace it of course.

Vive le fiction!

PS: I'm not loving mon noveau chanel nail lacquer. It's like slabbing chilled margarine. Now that I know, I want my money back so I can purchase 3 new bottles OPI.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Rainbow Factory
A bunch of us went downtown to eat this supposedly very famous ramen. We were lucky going in before dinner time, so we just had to wait for 10 minutes, whereas those people who came in just after we came in must wait about twenty minutes just to be served menus. And of all places in this big city, we met B, his girlfriend and C at that small little tiny ramen restaurant. I guess it was that popular. Or this city is just a boring place.

As if the sea is calling me (not that I'm making it up), we parted ways after dinner. I was waiting for Husky as we planned to walkabout. I windowshopped. These days my nostrils are really good, given the city's minimal pollution. I smell water as I paced faster towards names of streets that are distinctly familiar. I discovered lines of cafes and local eateries, pubs and small shops, and Beard Papa!! Of all things!

And after seven blocks away from Robson, I found it: English Bay.

I tell you, I was so damn happy that I swear I'm going to move to West End. It was beautiful and quiet. As if the people take care of them. It's really different when you are forced to keep it clean, because homeless people will be ushered away. But there I saw homeless people staring blankly at the setting sun. It might just be the right place for me.

Of all things that have gone wrong and will possibly gone wrong, at least the Lord showed me one thing that is right.

Monday, February 16, 2009
A C for exam is utterly unacceptable. It was a bitter pill; and a C in english... is a mortal peril. It seemed that I had written a grievously shallow summary and the audience should cheer, double you tea elf. I would say that K is biased but really, should I blame other person just because I'm self conceited? If I get lower than 3.0 GPA, this is my suicide note.

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Breathe me

We celebrated with late night caffeine,
After working, with each other on our mind,
A stroll, holding hands,
reciting the reasons for I love yous
for minutes and minutes long..
You are who I can come home to.

Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy 200th Birthday Charles!
Yesterday, February 12th was the birthday of one of the most important historical figure: Charles Darwin. The science club was celebrating at my campus by giving out free cakes. Yesterday also celebrated the everfamous Saint Valentine's. The crowd turned out to be very nice and we (the music club) sang perfectly!

And yesterday also saw two econ midterms. The first one went very well. The second one? Not so much. I think I'll pass but I could've done better if I had taken math 100. I'm depressed! Well the prof was kind and told me that we will have three midterms, so it's best 2 out of 3. I did all the mathematical concept correctly, but still, if I had more time...

Anyway, tomorrow is the World Community Film Festival and I'm volunteering, so I could watch! :D

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Labour = Wages
Land = Rent
Capital = Interest
Entrepreneural Ability = Profit & Loss

I have two econ midterm tomorrow.


Saturday, February 7, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire
One of my homework is to watch slumdog and tell the prof what I think of it.

Overall I enjoy the movie, it was in line with Disney movies (although it is not a Disney movie). I found a similarity in the aftereffect between Slumdog and Little Manhattan, albeit their completely opposite storyline. I must agree with you that this is a 'feel-good' movie.

What bothers me the most was the stereotyping, or should I clarify, the western stereotyping of Indian culture.

It was clearly a western movie depiction of India. It was not of the Indian Movies that were made by Indian. You can feel that strongly at first from the dialogues. Didn't it bother you that the actors were speaking in British English? Several good friends of mine are scholars from India, yet their English are not perfect. There will always be excuses, but I humbly assume that it is highly implausible for uneducated boys to suddenly grow up speaking perfect English.

The second part is a little bit subtle, which I suppose might escaped my classmates' observations.

I found the situation in slums in India and Indonesia to be quite similar. I have in fact had done several researches on my own about children living in slums in Jakarta. It surprised me that Mumbai and Jakarta are alike. My very first encounter to child abuse and labour was in my secondary school. I shan't bore you with my personal stories. It had since become my passion.

I have interviewed a few child labours in Jakarta and funnily enough, the condition was very similar to the portrayal in Slumdog. But the difference is that in Slumdog, the characters are very one dimensional. The bad and the good. I believe you remember the character 'Maman', the slum boss. Such character does exist in the reality. One independent Indonesian director once documented such event where these slum bosses amputated men and children merely for profit making. My professor in Singapore had done a documentary of such evidence in Vietnam as well. But I can't shake the impression that Danny Boyle created 'Maman' for the sake of creating a villain. I feel his character was inferior. In reality, such character's existence affects the children lives much more than an inferior terror, some project traumas. As an audience, I believe it would be more plausible if 'Maman' has more live into it.

And the last but not least, is the stereotyping. It is perhaps linkable to what we study in class regarding globalization and alienation. Slumdog has the quality of a western movie that 'pity' the existence of poverty and set the bar of education. I believe education is the priority of the more privileged people. Before education, our ancestors believe in destiny and our Gods and Goddesses. It is still the practice in most of the underprivileged people in my country. However, Globalization brought us Western culture and education which slowly shake our definition of the ultimate truth. For some, it eradicated the concept of destiny and give human the power to take control of their own lives. It was what caught my attention in Slumdog. Jamal said, "If Rama and Allah don't exist, we would still have our mother." Obviously, he is neither a very religious man nor still carrying the tradition to segragate between the concept of monotheism and polytheism. He was saying it in such an ease, as if he was saying, "I don't care what God we have, I'd rather have my mother than to have Them."

Another stereotype that I found in the movie was the stereotype of Moeslems. It has been a long tradition to alienate the Moeslems that it seems like an unwritten conspiracy. There wasn't a shed of good light to the Moeslems in the movie - to use euphemism. Honestly, if I was an ignorant passive audience, I would start to build my block of alienation myself.

I researched on Jonas Bendiksen and I found a good article about his work. This paragraph caught my attention:

But although his images show a different perspective on life in the slums to the one many expect, the photographer is keen not to sugar-coat the experience. "If you only focus on the misery, you're not going to cope," he says. "People live in incredibly tough circumstances. There's no sanitation. To get water, you need to buy it from the water sellers.

I believe his work is more real than Slumdog Millionaire.

But again, as you said, Slumdog is a Hollywood movie.

Havana Nights
They're showing this on TV. I simply love the music!


Thursday, February 5, 2009
Okay. Good things. In french, 15/15 and 13.5/15. GOOD? Yeah. Not good enough. Anyway! Today, the dreaded day, two Econ quizzes all together and I think I did well! Surprisingly! I mean, I studied for three days. I though the things I studied won't come up (like usual), but it did! It did and I think at least a 6/10... Hmm...

Oh funny story, I met a guy I actually like (as a friend) today in French class. Well he's trying dumbledorily hard to pronounce, but he failed successfulliabilitily. So I taught him, and in return, he shared econ tips with me. I mean, it was a colloquial conversation (if that makes sense) but there was no pretenses to be nice etc. Just pure interest! Happy!

Anyway, I'm singing My Valentine on Valentine day, it'll be great if I can play the piano too. But the pianist is just damn talented. And well I haven't gotten a guitar yet. Anyone who wants to buy me an early birthday present feel free to contact me for my bank account.

I'm pretty happy because of my econ. I have nothing else to say except that I'm pretty broke (as usual) and I cannot stand walking uphill with 4inch heels, like today. Spring breaaakkk summer holidayyy come come soon!!!

Oh, I had a fairly good chat with my dad yesterday and this is what he advised me to do:

(in terms of adapting) Be friends with anyone... just don't follow their lifestyles... like drugs...

I told him that he should worry more about me getting deported for working illegally than do drugs.

Anyway, drugs are pretty available here.

Oh talk about drugs, there was this creepy old man in leather jacket, that I suspected has a fetish with either black leggings or red nails, or just asians with long hair?? Or houndstooth coat? I'm not sure, he sure has a fetish with something on me, because he followed me. And looked at something on me. So I was walking to the skytrain platform when he noticed me. I stood at the last platform, but I got the creep, so I shifted to the third last platform. He stalked me. So when the train came, I quickly paced to the last platform again and secure my seat!

Two stations afterwards, he came to my platform and sat beside me! And he noticed everything I did. I put a careless facade and keep on listening to my music and stuff, pretending that he doesn't exist. But the creep was unshakable.

Thankfully he dropped two stations before my station (I took the long way home because the short way involves an interchange).

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Very creative Peta

I think this is worse than Paris Hilton's burger slash car wash video... Now I have to think of them when I eat veggies. The series is available on youtube.

Touch me I'm going to scream

My Morning Jacket.

14 random facts
1. I must be procrastinating summarizing 2 chapters of my exams materials on monday to be willingly to do this.
2. I don't like french food despite my fondness of the country and its culture.
3. I love vintage bags for their ladylike appeal and found two vintage clutches the other day for $3 each. The other one looks like Kate Spade's.
4. I'd die without sugar. If I don't take a cup of coffee (with sugar), I'll supplement it with a bar of Chocolate or M&Ms.
5. I am pragmatic and romantic at the same time. Which probably explain to as my personality being sanguine and melancholic at the same time. Ha.
6. I've seen four people identical to my past's facial features.
7. I have a small crack on my left heel.
8. I run, and will have a migraine if I don't run for too long. But I suck (big time) in organized sports.
9. My name is actually the Italian version of my father's name.
10. I have two published novels before my 18th birthday.
11. I love toddlers, but not a fan of children.
12. I value intelligence more than physical appeal. Explains why I have too many crushes on my previous (young, male, single, good looking, well spoken and articulated) teachers or professors.
13. I hate stench more than ugly sights.
14. I hate birds.

Lastly, thanks QQ for filling up my (not supposed to be) empty time. I tag you, whoever you are. It'll be fun!

