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Friday, January 30, 2009
Etta James
is coming!!

Gosh man, they're speaking like she's dead. Btw, Beyonce's voice cannot compare to Etta James!!

Angels on the Moon

by Thriving Ivory

Btw, check out Late Night Alumni's "Empty Streets" or "Rainy Days"

I'm not really a waitress

I'm Not Really A Waitress (n)

The specific color of red nail polish that is used in countless old movies and commercials for it's sheer mass appeal. Women then go out and try to imitate the looks and mannerisms of these silver screen stars, right down to their flawless red polish. It is now for sale by the company OPI in their spring collection.


Il est six heures vingt sept du soir and I'm cold. Anyway, I just realized that Agent Provocateur is here. Yes it's here! Can you say happy?

Et mon prof de philo can play great great blues in his 1000 bucks guitar (I must insist on the price because the guitar was awesome, it worth all the price it tagged and more! The sound was super sexy that when you closed your eyes, it reminds you of Jimi Hendrix, altohugh when you open your eyes, my philo prof doesn't look anything like him). He used to jam to pay his tuition. And man do I love the music club. He refused to teach me how to jam though. I WILL LEARN TO PLAY GUITAR.

Once I got my hand on one. And not another piece of clothing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Bastille my heart
is the name of the shade I'm going to get from OPI. Lately I'm really crazy over their nail lacquer. I think I'm getting the vibe "I'm going to starve to be fabulous" again.

I'm making up to the slacking hours. Break is over, blue balloon. The girl says I wanna look like a million bucks to spend a million bucks.

I almost consider to be totally self-conceited and work over summer not to buy a car but to look fab. How dumb. Tell me about it.

Yaya I tell you this, when MaamK explains about film studies, I feel like kicking her ass because of the obscurity. There are much, much more to indie films, dude, do your research. Ofcourse the clock ticks my head and remind me that i'm in english class and not film studies. Soon after I realize, I regained my respect to her experience in covering eight years of politics in Sunday Times.

iRene. says:
you do really sound like a bimbo

The effects of having to hang around the mall too much.

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Crack the Shutters



You'll never believe
Hello babies...

Mine is not year 2007 (as above). Couldn't find picture (in such anticipation to spread my absolute joy).

Friday, January 23, 2009
Yes I would

My neighborhood. If you enlarge, you can see the snow capped mountains...

Straight from horror movies. Those beany blackish things are birds. Real baby ravens. Yucks.

Working desk. It overlooks window to the front yard. It's not so favorable in the winter. I love the colors of the tulips.

My welcoming bouquet.

The view from the aforementioned window.

Yeah, icys. I don't like them.

Thursday, January 22, 2009
I'm pretty happy for a few reasons:

1. I solved a set of quadratic equations today.
2. I'm in the college newspaper. Editorial team! :D
3. Allowance chinged in.
4. Made more new friends. More acquaintances.
5. Joined the music club, learning guitar.
6. Joined Free the Children club.
7. Got my student ID.
8. And my results. Those of you people, bloody hell, don't check on me only when you want to know my results. Stop comparing ourselves because I cannot do what you can do now! Better already? Ok.

Now my results.

I got a few HDs... :D

Took me by total surprise. I'm VERY VERY proud to have an HD for global culture, because that was my favorite, favorite subject. Hehehehe...

Friday, January 16, 2009
That's not my name

It's been ongoing everywhere.



I love
As much as I love Ricebunny's D.I.Y products, I live in an era where consumerism is a trend. There are a few products that I love A LOT and works very, very well. I recommend this to all of you who has normal to oily skin!

As you know, I'm a big fan of Kiehl's. I think they have the best, best cleanser in the world, which is the Rare-Earth Oatmeal Milk Facial Cleanser #1.

This cleanser is just great. It is moisturizing and cleansing at the same time and will leave your skin a soft, smooth and non-stripping effect.

It works very well for me and bunch of my other friends. But Coboh tried it and her skin reacted badly to it. So make sure to test the sample first! Kiehl's gives free samples for skin test, btw.

And the clay mask! I mean, clay masks are great, and you can find them anywhere. But I recommend Kiehl's Rare Earth Facial Cleansing Mask that not only deep cleanses your skin, but also control oil. Seriously, try it out.

I'm pretty crazy about masks. But I have a very, very, irritatingly sensitive skin, that I only use natural (or seem like it) ingredients products, which make me very happy that I move here to this country, why? Because of LUSH! :D

Indonesia has Lush, but Singapore doesn't. That's why I'm very happy when I figure out that lush is available everywhere here! Well I used to use their body powder and their bath balls, which I love love love.

Then I found out their mask: mask of Magnaminty which is almighty! (alright, a bad one. Got it.)

It deep cleanses and exfoliate at the same time. It's just great! And it is quick drying. I like to use Kiehl's mask to sleep, and this one while I tub with their heavenly bath balls.

Then their hand cream: Smitten by Lush is great. But I stick to Ultimate Strength Hand-salve by Kiehl's, because it's easier to bring everywhere. But you know, the best moisturizer is water. Drink water!! That's how my skin survives in this drying winter condition.

And talk about winter, the best lipbalm is Burt's Bees beeswax lip balm. It smells great as well. Kiehls has great lipbalm, Lip Balm #1, but I find it difficult to use and can be too liquid-y, I prefer the stick type. And Burt's busy bees are doing a might hell of a job keeping my puckers moisturized (alright, another bad one. Strike two) and guess what, it's cheap! :D

Ok, as you might have thought, other products, like The Body Shop and Origins are natural products... but TBS doesn't cut it for me. It's too harsh for my skin (and scalp! Major hair problem with their shampoo!) and Origins is just too oily for me. Their Paradise Found is great though. Maybe I should give it another try...

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Low fat is not non-fat
I don't know why I put it as a title.

I did two mistakes in my French test and I want to pull my hair.

Appelles. Not appelle.

arrrgh. I begin to understand myself. I'm not very observant. I pay attention to detail, but I'm not observant enough. There are too much detail pulling my attention that I don't observe each enough. That's an anal habit. Should. Fix. It.

I love math, btw.

barf. I completely forgot about y' and y = 5,900x3 + 34x2 + 45x + 560.

W and I end up laughing because of this stupidity (and humiliation, mind you).

Anyway. Talk about luck. I have two cute boy twins in my class. Both are apparently smart. Isn't it like a guy who met two big-boobed twins?

Tomorrow is friday btw and am very very happy. J is planning to go shopping. I think I shopped enough. Should I stay or should I go?

Hee hee.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
They say, you can take the girl out of the drama, but you can never take the drama out of the girl.

Today, my econ professor asked:
"Why is it very expensive for large corporations' CEO to NOT own their private jets?"

... because it could cost them their lives? Talk about Lincoln and Kennedy.

In short. Of course that wasn't the answer. The answer was about opportunity costs. But of course, jokes asides, am I conducting an opera inside my own head? Or Econ is simply too boring to be true? It's like culture shock, a period of transition from the hippy mass commers to the more serious ecnomists. Thank goodness J sat through the whole econ with me. Giggling.

I bought this today:

I'm giddy happy.



Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bonjour Papa, il est ensoleillé aujourd'hui. Hence I'm very happy! I rarely see the sun again these days. Today is Sunday and I'm at home, studying for tomorrow's class. I will go out in a short while.

You know it'll be helpful if you tell me what's auntie like. She sounds fun, but I don't know anything about her that it's embarassing! She remembers me apparently, which add to the embarrassment pile of mine. I mean, of course I can't help for being so young the last time I saw her. But at least so that I'll have a rough sketch what she's like...

Okay, I have weekends to write to you to sum up my week. Basically, I love my french teacher, she's very open about our inability to pronouce R in french. But I must tell you that I progress much better than everyone else in my class (in my own knowledge of course. Hehehe...) And for my spanish econ teacher (who had MBA in UBC and audibly sharing his experience), well he's okay. As in, he's spanish and I completely forgot high school math. Last lesson we did linear graph and to my horror I went totally blank. X? Y? I remember I did quite well in high school, but how on earth does that escape me now! Oh well, my other classmates who took business route have no problems remembering it because they obligingly took math101. But pour moi to waste another 3 credits for math (not that I don't want), I don't think I have the brain capacity to.

I look forward to next week though. I can't wait for philosophy :D

I went to downtown last friday and it's not anything that I like. The crowds are young, it's hard to believe that they are barely in their twenties with their attire and make-ups. I guess caucasians grew older faster. A few friends and I settle down in a quieter restaurant to have late supper and grab a few drinks. I must eat them without chili sauce. Tasted yucks!!

Worry not! Am fine! Talk about homeless people, as long as I don't hang around the dark area, I'm perfectly fine. And the homeless people are sort of friendly. They'll ask for cigarrettte if you smoke in front of them. So I don't think they have any reason to approach me. I have a habit to give them extra change, but not when they're that close to each other.

Oh ya, another revelation, I completely, inexcusably, hate snow. Seriously. Can you imagine waiting for bus under snowing sky or pouring rain where the temperature dropped to like, 1 or 2 degrees? I froze my toes the other day and it summed up my intention to get a driver's lisence once I'm allowed to work!

I hope that explains that I will not take skiing as my extracurricular. Yucks. Skiing. Ew.

Lots of kisses and huggs!!

PS: You know you're proud to be a mass comm alumni when the lesson covered Foucault and you know who he is :D



Wednesday, January 7, 2009
There goes the cat
I took an extra credit this semester: ECON201, it's the principles of microeconomic. Yeah right. After a year of business and econ in high school I thought I wouldn't have to touch those damned balance sheets again. If I managed to survive through this with my least expected grades, it will be for no other than the Lord's mercy. Seriously. Not even the fact that I have a hunky Spanish professor to teach me economic helps.

I not talking about running with scissors and plotting a suicide. I think I just can't wait to see if I won the bet. What bet? I'll tell you the story later. But basically, no one can tell you who you are, or to decide to you what you're going to be. It's your life, decide for yourself and bear the consequences.

I guess I'm a true blue sanguine. You see I hate first days of school. Everyone is shy to everyone and stuff. Honestly I don't really care about making friends as much as I used to. I just realized that if I settle, friends will eventually come along. There's no point in finding one or judging who to who.

Yeah but when my eccentric composition instructor gave us a six-minute (6 minutes. Imagine) toilet break, it was all too quiet for me. Hence I said hi to the person next to me. SOmetimes I surprise myself with my ability to ignore completely my shame. Well at least I made some acquaintances today.

Then I need to collect my books, and when I was about to pay, I forgot my PIN number. Classic. So I went all the way to HSBC and changed my PIN. The thing is, the bus from where the bank is located is not the bus that I'm familiar with, yet. So I missed my stop - naturally - and had to walk about two blocks.

It was very very foggy, it was 4PM and the fog was solid. The chill ran through my spine and it was raining. And it hit me that I'm lost. I mean, not literally hit me, because I know I only missed a few blocks. But when my sight is limited to about two metres in front of me, I felt lost.

I've always thought that I know myself pretty well. But I think I'm wrong. I cried, but not a desperate cry, it's more like a crying because I'm tired (winter fatigue I guess). Then it hit (again) me, that I'm not afraid to be lost. Because here I am now, in a stranger's land. I'm more afraid to be joyless, than lost.

Well these few days have been great for me. I received a banquet of lilies: calla lilies, tiger lilies, casablanca lilies and baby's breath. And they are exquisite. It took me by surprise too. Anyway, I love watching each of them bloom to the fullest.

And I found a steal, this electric blue vintage handbag by Michel Klein. Anyway, shopping hasn't been much pleasure - except for book shopping here. It's mere customary. Oh, also exception for that beauuutiful baroque Zara blouse that I got the other day.

My aunt finally called today and I'm overjoyed by the fact that she has a good sense of humor!

Right, shall bore you not. Write to me if you will, I'm very bored.

PS: I'm completely, absolutely, in totality in love with my new housemate.




Friday, January 2, 2009
Make you feel my love




Dear Science

By Tv on the Radio



These shoes are meant for walking
The weather forecaster predicted snowfall, however a little bit warmer than east coast. And it will be warmer next week. Btw, finally, I have my own day off to shop after I went to campus to register my subjects:


As you can see... it's still very basic. But I'm very, very excited. Hopefully I'll be taking Anthropology next semester. Yeah give the geek something to study to distract her from weather.

Today I had to wait half an hour for the bus and literally freezing my fingers and toes. Imagine me carrying a few shopping bags which had already cut off all my veins. My hands were literally numbed when I showed the captain my tickets.

This resolute my intention to buy a car.

I want to watch The Curious case of Benji Button! Those of you who have watched it, email me your thoughts on the movie!! I'm pretty busy these days (plus the weather) to go around a cinema (or just a made up reason to snuggle up at home with a good book).

I need a couch, curtains, table mats, few cutlery and a good pen! I'm gonna get that parker pen afterall I guess. And I need boots. Should I get those ugly Uggs and Emus? Because apparently they are popular here, despite their ****** appearance. It looks snuggly though. Seriously though, I love my terry sandals to death.

You see, I have made a few rules regarding of my shoes preferences. In Singapore, where the smooth terrain pretty much does all the walking for the shoes, over here the terrain is hilly and much more rocky. Not to mention the icys and snow these few months. So sadly, I need not to wear stilettos like my usual traits. But I saw this BEAUTIFUL leather knee high boots with a zipper detail that I LOVE - it almost killed me to put it down NOT on the cashier counter. Why. Because of the heels, duh. It's superhigh and supersharp. I could just imagine myself stumbling like a ball of hopeless matryoshka rolling down the walkway.

My councilor advise me to take Ski as my outdoor activity, to which I replied, "I'm much more musical than athletic."

The thing is, I'm such a klutz! I will make a snowball out of myself before I could ever clutch properly.

Right. So off I go. Chitterchatterciaolater. XOXO.

PS: Starbucks lines are crazy here.

PSS: Yes so it happens that I have yet another Starbucks near my campus. The people at Starbucks Raffles City in Singapore knew me pretty well to give me free refill nearly every time (when they insist and I put on my thickskin or merely just broke). Hopefully here too. I'm a poor pitiable student. Remind me of the song, "I'm a big big girl in a big big world."

PSSS: I'm friends sick. I miss my roomie the most! :(:(

Thursday, January 1, 2009
East Coast to West Coast
I have a black labrador as a wallpaper on my notebook. It relates to me in a way, except for the dogtag that it has. The dog is friendly, disheveled and looked ready for any challenges. That is who I want to be. Right now I'm just scared.

One thing for sure, made in china is SUPER EXPENSIVE here. I can say bye bye to good quality beddings. I went to walmart to shop for duvet pillows and everything and nearly cried at the price. Oh and I was really sad when I realized that I brought less than 40 pieces of clothings. I mean, I brought most of it home because they are all summer clothes. But still.

I'm furnishing my place and I'm really inspired to write. It is a truly outdoor yet romantic city. I went to my campus today and during my journey home, I was terrorized by the feeling that I will have to fight for survival in this city after next two years. I think I should utilize my time very wisely to work and safe money. But I don't know how I can do that? Is there some kind of medicine that we could take so life could just unfold in front of us? Or should we just wait and see?

My friends in Singapore would like to call the period of time (when I'm in Singapore and her off time from work to study again) as the honeymoon period. It is very romantic. But I have a mighty feeling that things are going to change for me here, and in a very, very brutal way. But it will also be good. And I'm stretching this honeymoon period as far as I could to prepare myself.

When I first came to Singapore, I was very naive. And Singapore was damn small. Competition is clearly seen. And I have a lot to absorb. But here, this city knows where it belongs to. I know exactly what I want, and this city offers exactly that. It's just that, bear with me, when you know what you want is in front of you, and you know that there is no fast and easy way to do it, you know you want it so badly that you're ready to be torn to pieces to get there.

I guess I'm lucky in a way, to know where I want to go. Although the ultimate destination is still foggy. But again, I'm sure to be torn and battered along the way.

You know, it will be great to depend on someone. Like parents for instance, or a stable job. Especially when you are with baggage or responsibilities. But somehow or rather, life has never been that easy on me.

Maybe that's why I love my life.

Oh ya, it's a white new year here. Happy New Year people.

PS: I have a theory. For a person who likes beaches more than any natural landscape, I can't feel completed before I see a country's beach.

PSS: My bedroom ceiling is a bit low. It's a normal 2.5m, but for a person who lived her life under high ceilings, I felt claustrophobic when I first stepped in.

